google page rank

  1. subnetweb

    Is Page Rank from Google Coming Back?

    What we know so far regarding written topic in this thread! Google Page Rank was terminated as we all know.This is true. Google told us to not rely on it as major factor for rank our web site on Google.This is true. Google will not update Page Ranks of web sites.This is true also. Google leave a...
  2. rdurham

    Google Ranking

    Hello, I have several Wordpress websites that I am trying to get Page Ranking in Google. Are there any good methods out there that can make this happen either free or for a reasonable amount?
  3. F

    Is Page Rank Updated?

    Is your Site Page Rank Updated? Some people said their page rank updated.
  4. K

    About page rank

    if i post the same article on a web2.0s as posted in my blog, will it effect the page rank of my blog. If yes then how and why. Will it affect possitively or negative. I am very worried in this matter because the rank of my blog is getting lower and lower. Is this the reason of it. Please hhelp...
  5. H

    Best way to improve PR ?

    Which is the best way to improve Google PR, say if i want to have PR 4 or more ? Please advise ..
  6. jackhorror

    Google page rank! Need help!

    i have a problem with my google page rank, i have tried one specific keyword and (mysite),com - ranks 300 www,(mysite),com - ranks 113 www,(mysite),com/ - ranks 80 why is that happening & what should i do? (i read that for google (mysite),com & www,(mysite),com are two different urls, + when i...
  7. jackhorror

    Need help!!! Google page rank & marketing!

    Hallo there! A friend of mine has a new website, he is a beatmaker & he makes really good music. He is trying to rank his page on google & he is trying to sell beats/music! Is there anyone that could help him?
  8. khanna_rohit

    VIRAL SEO Campaign - Authority Links to Make You Rank + CONTENT is READABLE

  9. kbklash

    Google Page Rank Updated on 4 February 2013

    How is worked for you. for me, one dropped and other the same ranking.Not a hike Interesting fact is that,Some of my inner pages rank moved eventually,But no change on main site Page rank.I am still happy that Google recons me site as a valid one.How about yours?? :)
  10. R


    WHY IS GOOGLE PR is ONLY 3 ?? It is got huge traffic .. Active users .. And many more .. Thousands of pages indexed .. What is the reason ? Is it cos of the content shared ??
  11. fimms

    Bulk Google Pagerank check with PHP

    For my private projects I've been using this PR check script with PHP, but this month Google changed they API entry point for toolbar. So I had to fix it. On same routines I also decided to add bulk checker that finds out both domain and page PR plus determines if given url exists. Given output...
  12. seoarticle

    Google PR not showing in SEO Quake Firefox Tools

    Today, i was doing some competition research and found that the PR displayed through SEO Quake Firefox tool is "n/a" I have checked the PR for website like,, our own and other high PR website. But the tool is showing "n/a" for every website :eek:. So...
  13. M

    High PR Backlink confusion

    Hello, If i am submitting my article to pr 5 and pr6 directories and my live article link is indexed in Google but that link itself have PR 0, will google consider that backlink from PR 5 site or PR 0? Detailed Help will be appreciated. thanks
  14. N

    Google PageRank Question

    Hello, I have a question. I joined some link sharing network some 15 days ago, in order to get some backlinks for my page. The page itself is a MGP, getting some 50-70 movies per day from tube sites like pornhub. Today I noticed in google webmaster that I have some 1200 links to my...
  15. R

    Google Update - PR Update now!

    Hi All, I checked my site now, Page rank updated. Check your site PR.
  16. sfidirectory

    Get 10,000+ free high P.R backlinks, is it possible?

    I'm wondering is there any way to get something like 10,000 free backlinks that have a high Google Pake Rank quickly or easily? Trying to link with high p.r sites can be time consuming, let alone hard if your site is relatively new. Would like to know if there is a quick, FREE way of going about...
  17. S

    Why I got PR 2 and How

    Hello, I am really confused, my website is only 2 months Old and I dont even have any backlink. Now my website homepage is PR2, 2 internal pages has PR1. Now I wanted to understand that is it possible to get PR without any backlink, because after reading so many posts, forum threads...