e-mail marketing

  1. mmasterov

    I got big database but got no idea.

    I have database of about 1.5kk (1.5 million) emails of people who are interested in crypto, first, I think to send them mass e-mail about something related to crypto but I don't know what, maybe you have some ideas to discuss together.
  2. Nine0wl

    Favorable alternatives to MailChimp?

    What alternatives to MailChimp would you recommend and what do you like most about this alternative? The MailChimp account at my day job was auto banned - why? Because I changed the physical address when the company moved.. After submitting passports and proof of id I'm now just waiting for...
  3. MagicInternetMoney

    How to best utilize e-mail list with 1+ million German subscribers?

    Dear BHW, I recently acquired this e-mail list through mutual acquaintances, however I am very inexperienced in e-mail marketing. I do speak pretty good German although it is not my first language. The list only contains e-mails so how would you best utilize this list? Just sign up for a...
  4. T

    Any success with casino e-mail marketing?

    Hi there! I have some great e-mail lists from LATAM, and I was wondering how to launch a successful e-mail campaign in the casino vertical? Has anyone had some success with this? Should I send the traffic directly to the casino from the e-mail, or should I create a pre-landing page? Any...
  5. RoyalOffshore

    [GUIDE] Extension #5 To My Money Making Guide: ♛Rank before competitors, stay one step ahead!♛ [SEO]

    ♛ This post is a 5th extension of my Money Making Guide... surely not the last! ;) You should read these first to be able to understand what's this about ♛ ♛ MOVIESITE GUIDE ♛ How To Build And Earn Money With Movie/Trailer Site And Publicly Available Videos [GUIDE] Extension #1 To My Money...
  6. D

    InMailManager - Instagram Email and Phone number Scraper | Bulk Email Sender

  7. O

    Amazon Marketplace Outreach

    Hello, I'm looking for people that can help with an Amazon Marketplace outreach campaign. We're looking to contact all 3rd party merchants and invite them to use us as their supplier. You must have a plan of how you're going to do this.
  8. ekmll

    E-mail Lists + Clickbank Affiliate HELP

    I've found about 2m e-mail addresses from myriad of internet sources. Is it legal to send Clickbank e-mail swipes to those people? For example let's say I target people from US. What are my chances of getting sued? I already receive tons of e-mail from companies I never gave permission. If there...
  9. HustleRick

    E-Mail marketing - Legal implications

    Recently I started getting more and more mails which are added to my list. I'm fairly confident that over the months It will grow to a targeted, large e-mail list which can be really profitable. Question: Anyone knows if I could get sued for that? Basically the emails are scraped and I'm very...
  10. Seagate44

    Sendy + Wordpress

    Hey fams! I'm looking for a piece of advice regarding Sendy integration with Wordpress. Is there anyone who use that? I want to ask about what plugins do you use for pop up optins + in-post optin forms, and how do you set up cron job for autoresponder. Thank you!
  11. Seagate44

    How to BULK deliver to gmail.com ??

    Hey I've got mailing list of over 50k potential customers and I want to send them e-mail with my link, but as we all know sending that many emails with the same link will end up putting these emails in junk box real quick (in the best scenario). Also it may be treated as a spam, I dont mind it...
  12. L

    WTB - high quality e-mail marketing services

    range of 50k-100k emails per job (weekly) will provide my DB + email body expecting high inbox delivery (but there might be some bounce rate) payment in XMR only
  13. M

    Need Traffic To Europe Dating Site.

    Anyone interested start working as an Affiliate for me.We are working on commission base.Have a verry good platform. . Focusing northern europe/ scandinavia.
  14. E

    Need Help

    i want to start E-mail marketing and i need help tell where to start if you already took this experience
  15. Cabhal

    I Owned an Affiliate Site for Over 4 Years.. (LF an E-mail Marketer for Partnership)

    Hello, I may have a low number of published comments, but I have been around BHS forum for the past 2 years! During the last 4 years, I have been busy with a Casino Affiliate Site, targeting the Italian market. During these years, I collected 3-4K of depositing players emails. Some of them...
  16. johnmuts

    Huge e-mail list monetizing

    Hi all, First post here, so bear with me. I'll tell you what I've been doing. I first searched for and downloaded the LinkedIn database dump. It's the real thing and contains 164,611,595 e-mail addresses of Linkedin users at the time of the hack, being 2012. So, I've started...
  17. Ponea

    Is this niche too complicated? - Email Marketing-

    Hey guys. As you can see on my post count, I've been a lurker for some time and now I've decided to finally step up and take some action by creating this thread. I dare to ask for help because I've noticed the awesome contribution of this awesome community, so if I get only one idea out of this...
  18. S

    Hello All!

    My name is Sandra. A couple months ago I got a job as a partner of some affiliate of some e-mail marketing biz. Since then we been working on developing our own, unique sending process using multiple services...ie online e-mail marketing platforms, SMTP servers/relays.. Our main task at hand is...
  19. H

    [Hendri's] Journey to 100$ / day - E.P.I.C SuperMen Journey Starts

    JOURNEY TO $100 / DAY - E.P.I.C SUPERMEN GENERAL IDEA Hi, I will be starting a solo ads joint Journey with a friend/business partner. We are going to start a blog (that I obviously can't post yet as I am new, the link is under my profile though - hint) Also a Journey thread for myself in...
  20. R

    Sending mass mail on Black Friday or week later?

    I ordered a mailing to 1M people in US/Canada for my website (it's a 'product discovery' site). I can choose between sending it the 29th -Black Friday- or a week later. Any e-mail marketing expert here who can shine his light on this? On the hand people go crazy on Black Friday and are focused...