Massive DDoS attack against DYN DNS service


Junior Member
Oct 5, 2016
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Cyber attacks are getting evil and worst nightmare for companies day-by-day, and the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one such attacks that cause a massive damage to any service.

Recently, the Internet witnessed a record-breaking largest DDoS attack of over 1 Tbps against France-based hosting provider OVH, and now the latest victim of the attack is none other than Dyn DNS provider.

A sudden outage of popular sites and services, including Twitter, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Shopify, for many users, is causing uproar online. It's because of a DDoS attack against the popular Domain Name System (DNS) service provider Dyn, according to a post on Ycombinator.

DNS act as the authoritative reference for mapping domain names to IP addresses. In other words, DNS is simply an Internet's phone book that resolves human-readable web addresses, like thehackernews (.) com, against IP addresses.

Dyn DNS is used by many websites and services as their upstream DNS provider, including Twitter, Spotify, SaneBox, Reddit, Box, Github, Zoho CRM, PayPal, Airbnb, Freshbooks,, Pinterest, Heroku and Vox Media properties.

All of these sites and services are reportedly experiencing outages and downtime, either completely or partially.
Just do not create, that many threads about his topic. There are already few of them created, so you can post it there
you must read the front page feed before posting, or do a search. there are already about four threads with this. Mods will start removing them soon as we all know about it now
Can't believe how shit writers for Hacker News are;

WTF is this ; Cyber attacks are getting evil and worst nightmare for companies day-by-day
damn, playstation network is down :/

itt's funny how much money paypal loses every minute being down
Oh well, it seems my credit card site is ok, better pay - wonder if they accept paypal
Ah come on it's just kids showing off. DDOS Attacks are so simple to do even a child can run them, when i used to be at uni you could run bot nets there... wonder if people still do it... Heck tons of people used to use slow loris till they found out they could get easily traced. It's like them lads that took on paypal. One of them did it for the cash the rest for the kicks. But didn't they all end up looking at time for the crime committed.