• On Wednesday, 19th February between 10:00 and 11:00 UTC, the forum will go down for maintenance. Read More


  1. KingShizL

    Is this a good idea?

    Hey guys, So I plan on launching an SEO chrome extension that lets you view The Google page rank Ranking keywords Backlinks Top pages of any website, blog post, or page you visit without the need to copy links to any platform. Let me know if this could be useful to your online...
  2. mr.y

    [Poll] How much time did it take you to succeed in IM (a future research)?

    Hey guys. This is a general question. I would like to know the average time it takes for people to succeed in IM. I have an idea to make an analysis of the data and make some graphs out of it, for example, finding the connection between the number of posts and time of success (to prove it is...
  3. Kalinic

    [POLL] Logo advice needed

    Hi fellas, One friend asked me to design a logo for his new restaurant & sports bar "22" so I would love to hear your opinion on these four designs. Which color would you choose? Also, if you have some other suggestions (besides color) don't hesitate to share them below. Thanks
  4. H

    Script for a poll

    In need of a script for a poll. Its needed as soon as possible. For this poll there will be multiple rounds so if you help me out with this one I'll pay a little extra for the next rounds. The site is set up a bit different than all other polls. I need one to vote for a specific competitor over...
  5. E

    voting bot or script for online poll

    so my friend has told me shes used this site before and theres a poll going on that I need help with. ive tried buying votes but its too expensive. Im looking for a cheap alternative not sure if this is it. Im kind of slow when it comes to technology so heres what i need it to do -vote multiple...
  6. elseque

    Facebook Poll Votes Needed

    So I'm looking to help a friend of mine get votes for his band in a local bands competition and win a record deal and a monetary prize. I was thinking of the following possible scenarios: 1. Ask you guys for some free hugs 2. Buy them votes through a service provider with legitimate looking FB...
  7. R

    Anyone able to increase votes on a Facebook poll?

    Hey First time posting, hope this is in the right forum. My mates band are in a comp and it's an opinionpoll on facebook. Is there any kind of way to increase their votes? There's bits for everything these days but not this! Cheers :)
  8. Bostoncab

    Wanna mess with an online poll?

    The local political website in my town is running a poll to see who would win the mayor's race if it were held tomorrow. I wanna throw it for the guy that I think is the honest hard working one. Can I get some BHW help? nstab.net The guy I want to win would hate me for doing this.. first...
  9. B

    Is there software to do multiple votes on polls?

    Is there any software to manipulate blog poll results and vote numerous time in stealth form with multiple ips or anything?
  10. Z

    CPA Polls what am I doing wrong? HELP Plz

    Been trying to get into the CPA poll action but very little conversions. Anyone want to take a look at my setup and see if Im doing something wrong? http://icypolls.com as well as http://my.icypolls.com any advice is apreciated. Thanks
  11. S

    Question Regarding CPA Polls

    hey everyone! One CPA approach that seems popular here is the poll method using naked celebs and stuff like that: send the user to a page where he has to vote "yes" or "no" first, then on the next page show them a "one last step: enter your email/zip on the next page to get free XXX...