New business


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2021
Reaction score
Hi folks,
it's time for a new adventure for me.
I'm a member of a Facebook group. We have every day the same questions : where can I make a PCR test ? Where can I find a cab ? Etc. I joked with a moderator of the group, "you know what ? I will scrape all questions, all answers, make a website, use it to generate content et take little money with ads".
His answer ? "Do it".

First day : Tried to use WordPress. Remembered why I hate WordPress. Erases everything. Installed Drupal.
Second day : Scraped some contents. Applied recipes read here. Searched low competitor keywords. Inserted keywords. Generated content. Configured Google Analytics for Drupal. Remembered why I prefer Matomo. Installed Add To Any, Metatags, XML Sitemap,

Tomorrow : Cookies, privacy policies page. Generate others contents.

My business-plan : Google Adsense or others ads, I don't really care and maybe some sponsored contents from local business. I will try to target local businesses that want to promote themselves.

I have no idea if it will work, we'll see the results in a year. But at least I am in a niche where there is no one, where there is a real demand, in a geographical area where I want to settle.If it works, it's cool, it will give me an additional income, if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter.
I already had hosting for others websites. The only thing I paid, was the domain name.
I said that Wednesday will be used to made legal pages and generate others contents.

Wednesday : configure policy, made legal pages and ... changing all the CSS from scratch. Again. Also checked if Google Analytics was well configured.

Thursday : finished the CSS, made legal pages, add some custom changes.

The website is now ready to be use. Tomorrow (Friday), I will create new contents with some bots, add a slideshow on home page based on content and create the home page.

My expenses for the moment : almost €20 ($23.47) for the domain name and I add extra place on my hosting.​
I made good progress on Friday.
I completely finished the design, corrected some code mistakes and add 5 or 6 new contents.
After some tests, I decided to not display a slideshow on the home page. The result was not nice.
Then, I subscribe to Ubersuggest to check SEO, get keywords suggestions, etc. I also subscribe to Quilbot.

Saturday : created a new content, corrected some SEO mistakes.

My expense : €13.28 for Quilbot + €24.58 for Ubersuggest. + €14.40 for the domain + €4.52 for extra place on my hosting = €56.78 ($66.98).

One of my goal is to spend less than €100 in total to launch this new business. So, I have €43.22 for backlinks and some "traffic help".

Sunday : make a home page.

Because it's a travel website, I will need some photos, but the good news is I don't have to pay for it : I'm going in holiday on Monday morning :D During my two weeks, I will take a plenty of pictures to feed the website. I will also configure one of my tool to send some traffic. I want to see if this tool can help for ranking as it promises and if the traffic is detected by Ubersuggest or not.​
Today, I finally made my home page :D
I submitted my website to Adsense and I share it to a Facebook group, that has 9.3k users.
It's alive :)
After 15 days, here is the review.

I got some issues with ads system : Adsense is still pending. Others rejected my website (Moneytyzer,, etc.). But PopAds accept.

I spend little money on SMM Panels. I am doubtful about the results. It's not very convincing at the moment.

I start ton share my content on Facebook group, on Twitter and on Instagram.

I get between 50 and 250 users by day on my website.

Because I am on holidays, I don't create a lot of new content, maybe two or three. But I took a lot of photos from where I'm to illustrate the website.

I check Search Console also : although some traffic come from a Facebook group (10 K members now - not my group), I noticed that some keywords began to be "spot" by Google. I got my first click from Google ! The website began to be a reference in this Facebook group : it's a travel group, dedicated to a specific place. Because of COVID, people need fresh news about rules. So, I inserted a block on the home page with rules, with a token displaying the date and the hour. I checked every if something has changed.

Facebook suggested me others groups in the same niche to join. I joined and when I go back to home (it sucks), I will scrape all questions and answers to create new content. It's interesting to notice people even make a search in Google : they come on Facebook group and always ask same questions. Moderators are fed up about lazy people, so they are glad that I made this website to provide answers. They can focus on their own business.

Even I spent money on bookmarks, social signal and SMM Panels, I'm still under €100 of expanse in total. I estimate I spent about 20 hours of work for the moment.

After 15 days, here is the review.

I got some issues with ads system : Adsense is still pending. Others rejected my website (Moneytyzer,, etc.). But PopAds accept.

I spend little money on SMM Panels. I am doubtful about the results. It's not very convincing at the moment.

I start ton share my content on Facebook group, on Twitter and on Instagram.

I get between 50 and 250 users by day on my website.

Because I am on holidays, I don't create a lot of new content, maybe two or three. But I took a lot of photos from where I'm to illustrate the website.

I check Search Console also : although some traffic come from a Facebook group (10 K members now - not my group), I noticed that some keywords began to be "spot" by Google. I got my first click from Google ! The website began to be a reference in this Facebook group : it's a travel group, dedicated to a specific place. Because of COVID, people need fresh news about rules. So, I inserted a block on the home page with rules, with a token displaying the date and the hour. I checked every if something has changed.

Facebook suggested me others groups in the same niche to join. I joined and when I go back to home (it sucks), I will scrape all questions and answers to create new content. It's interesting to notice people even make a search in Google : they come on Facebook group and always ask same questions. Moderators are fed up about lazy people, so they are glad that I made this website to provide answers. They can focus on their own business.

Even I spent money on bookmarks, social signal and SMM Panels, I'm still under €100 of expanse in total. I estimate I spent about 20 hours of work for the moment.

Sounds good, keep going!
The great news of the day : Adsense accepts my website :)
After nearly one month, we can make a little review.
Two observations :
- I translate with Chrome Inspector terms of Google Analytics;
- the peak activity that you will see is not natural : I use a traffic service for testing (before being accepted by PopAds and Google Adsense).

As you remember : I launch a website based on questions of a Facebook group. By day, I get almost 100 visits, sometimes more. The Facebook group counts around 10 100 members today.

Creating technically the website was easy. Creating first contents also and obtained real traffic, not so difficult as I expected.

My niche is travel and because of the pandemic, rules often change. So, I created a little block of announcements of rules and I included a token with the current date. The goal is to create a reflex : "hey, I need simple information, I go to this website". Unfortunately or fortunately, we still have to deal with COVID-19 for a while.

One of the most interesting points is the laziness of people : even answers are on Google, can be found by a single a query, people prefer to ask questions on this Facebook group.

But, my business is a seasonal business, which operates from March to October and focus only on Facebook groups will be a mistake. So, I worked on low competitor keywords. Of course, it takes some time, but I began to gain few visitors from Google search.

Why it takes almost two weeks ? Because I forget to check if sitemap was completed.

As I said, the most difficult moment was to find ads service that accept me.

For Adsense, it takes two weeks : I had to fill some papers, financial papers to be accepted, etc. I send a request to The Monetyzer and They rejected me because I don't have enough traffic. But PopAds accepts me.


And finally ... Adsense accepts me also !

Of course, this is all very modest. But the goal is to create a passive income, based on an industry that changes very little, with a fairly loyal customer base. So it can only get bigger. I see it with another website : I don't make any update of content since ... long time, but I get 200 visitors per day because I created quality content, still relevant, in a tech niche.​

Homework for the future :
  • Make a content planning : the goal is to publish something every day of the week (Monday -> Friday);
  • Share it on social networks (I created a Twitter account and Instagram account);
  • Work on backlinks.
Thank you for reading :)


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Hello folks :)
Some updates of my new little online business.

Last week, I posted a new content from Monday to Friday. I intended to do the same this week, but it had problems to solve (see the thread "I hate bank").

How I work : I create an account on Ubersuggest, search the main keyword of my niche and extract all related keywords around the niche. Then, I create two spreadsheets :​
  • One with all keywords : in this one, I filtered keywords, add a column with the category of contents, when it's created, the title, the link and the date;​
  • One of which is my dashboard publishing.​

But, what I can say is that the mechanism starts to work.


As you remembered, except regular posts on a Facebook group, I worked on low competitor keywords only. For example, I created a post about traveling in September. I'm on the first result with this little post. I posted also on Twitter, but it doesn't generate a lot of clicks.

For PopAds, I'm at €0.54 only. I just wait to make the €5 and I deleted it. Some users complained, and it's not profitable for me.

I will also try to find a moment to post on TripAdvisor and others travel websites. My main takeaway at this point, is when you create a new website, you have to wait easily one month before it starts working by itself.

My big advantage : there are not enough resources in my language in the niche I'm. So, I can exploit laziness of people by providing information.

My expanse since the post of August : none.

Time : One afternoon the weekend before to create contents.

Thanks for reading :)


  • adsense.png
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Any update on your journey? I've been thinking of using content from private Facebook groups. People post so much information that would be great content for a website.
Any update on your journey? I've been thinking of using content from private Facebook groups. People post so much information that would be great content for a website.
Hi, yes :)
I will post an update today or tomorrow.
Spoiler alert : I made my first 5€ from AdSense :)
little update.
Here is my money
In one month, I made 5.50 €.

Here is my search console. search_console.png

As you see, it grows little step by little step.

But the most interesting is that :


Most of the traffic come from Facebook (referral) and just a little from organic (for the moment). I post almost every day on the Facebook group because people have every time same questions. And there are new members every day. The last time I posted an update in this thread, the group has 10 100 members. Today, it's 10 400.

My two cents :
- for travel niches : Facebook group. Target the most active group by area in your language. For example : British in Russia, American in Norway, what you;
- don't limit yourself to only one Facebook group : if people of your country have questions, people from others countries have almost the same. The only real prerequisite is to really know the place you are talking about.
- scrape questions and answers;
- better to know your subject :D ;
- add your photos ! ;
- create contents not only based on search but also on Facebook group;
- don't forget to target all kind of people : couples, family, singles, etc.;
- don't neglect the ecological aspects : talk about ecology or nature oriented excursions: hikes, nature activities, etc;
- be patient and user-friendly : when people are in holidays, they don't want to spend hours and hours to find information. In the group, one of the most question is "do I need a PCR test to come ?". My answer : hi (never forget to say hello), no, but check this content. I wish you a good stay".
- Don't do like this stupid person in the group who just answer to every one "hey, have a look to my Instagram folder !". We don't care about your Instagram : we want an address of a restaurant, a place to watch football, etc.

Let's speak about money : as I said before, my little personal challenge was to not spend more than 100 € in this website. Challenge completed.

I will continue to feed the site with more content. Doing one article a day, from Monday to Friday was a bit too ambitious (I have another job on the side, even several).

Also, now, I want to make another website, in another subject :D I'm also considering buying an autopilot website.
New update :)
Now, the traffic is half from Google search and half from Facebook group. I get between 50 and 100 visits per day, which is not bad for a travel website, focus on an island.

I made a few cents every day. Sometimes, 0.50c, some days, €1. (Sorry, the picture is not display, I don't know why)

So, now, I will continue to feed this website and I will build new ones, in other niches. I already find which one.

My goal is to get passive revenue, in addition to my main activity. I have to confess that its gives me a break from my real jobs, because I don't have to deal with people, just with code and algorithms.
One month later, here are some news.

On a very bad day, my site generates €0.50. And on normal days, we are between €1.50 and €2 of advertising revenue.

For a hundred of daily visits.

As previously mentioned, my site depends on a seasonal activity, we are in low season, so it is normal that the figures are very modest.

The good news: most of my traffic comes from Google searches. The health context helps me (unfortunately) a lot, but in the Google Search Console, I also see queries that are not related to the health crisis.

In August, I made €0.
In September, €6.27.
In October, €21.06.
For November, I am at €22.61.

It's still not a great fortune, but for a site that takes me less than an hour a week to manage, I think it's great, and it makes me want to do more.

I soon paid back my initial investment, which was about €100.

For the moment, I'm concentrating on my "official" job, but in a few weeks, the pace will drop dramatically. So I'll have a lot more time to feed my new site and prepare everything for the high season.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your encouragement. I must admit that reading the forum every day has motivated me a lot and helped me a lot.​