Instadub help


Junior Member
Mar 5, 2016
Reaction score
Besides the boring given tutorials Rootjazz provides on how to use the bot, does anyone have any other sources that could help me learn this bot? I bought it months ago and the interface is complicated. Any extra help would be greatly appreciated.
Been using Insta dub for over 7 months,,, Yes I'm aware the bulky settings/features can wear you out,, but get through the tutorials, start with basic functions first before advancing..
Ask questions on root jazz forum not here.. Thats the only way to learn and perfect the use of Insta dub..
As a matter of fact,, Insta dub gets updated frequently and even old users get confused with new features,,, but just a simple question will help you know how to use the new feature if you want to...
Most of all goto RootJazz forum.. Read prev topic and create your own