Instadub - Desktop Instagram Automation Bot

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Elite Member
Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score

Windows desktop Private API instagam bot.

Usually $97, but with 10% discount for BHW, is $87


Click the image, or go here:

I am not really one for lots of marketing so let me just give you the facts and features :)

Instadub, released over 3 years ago and had over 300 updates since then. Think others update a lot, check the public changelog to see the updates:
One time fee (no additional charges from us)
Life time license with life time updates (those who bought it 3 years ago are still getting free updates and will continue to do so).
No usage restrictions (unlimited accounts, unlimited actions, unlimited use).
Three machine install license (i.e. install on your desktop / VPS / laptop)
Run unlimited instances on the machines you have installed on

Full support for basic Instagram actions: follow / like / comment / comment like / post images / upload videos / send DMs / watch stories

Advanced pre-action support.
Before performing your main action (i.e. follow) perform multiple pre-actions:
Like X media
Watch X stories
Like X Comments on Y media
Comment on X media

All pre actions allow the specification of a % value of how many items to process. So if you request to like 10 media with a 50% hit ratio, you will like a random 5 medias from the 10 more recent medias.

Includes non-Instagam actions:
scheduled posting
reposting videos
reposting images (including processing: watermarking, text overlays, caption, mentions, tags)

SEO features:
@mentions in posts / comments / tag users either with an initial list of prepared users, or scrape a big list of users to tag / mention at the start of the action or run a scrape per item* to find users to tag / mention.

Upload images automatically from a folder on your machine (when an image is placed in the folder, it is detected and posters (great way to upload images if you have external image scrapers!).

Upload images / videos from RSS feeds

React to engagements on your account: new followers, likes on your media, comments on your media.

Reactions include: follow / like media / DM / shoutout image (i.e. when a user follows you, grab their avatar and post it to your feed with a watermark / overlay tagging /mentioning the user and some of their followers and saying "thanks for following", or perhaps scrape their 12 most recent images and post a mosaic grid of their recent images!

Automatically repost images received by DM (with optional trigger word). Reach out to users and request content, get them to DM you an image with a codeword, that codeword will trigger that image to be reposted automatically. Full image processing available: watermark / caption / mentions / tags / text overlay

MASS Actions (follow / like / comment). Mass control your bulk accounts to perform a specific action, push up the comments on one of your medias, bump up those likes, increase the followers count

Scrape ghost followers of your / other accounts

Remove ghost followers via block / unblock

Bulk Update account details

Engagement scraper - find out the best engagers of any account by scraping and analysing their recent posts and see who is engaging

Advanced Image Uniquifying module, change the hue / saturation / brightness / flip / filter and more. See examples of options here:

* A powerful feature that allows you to find users based on the comment / media / user you are actioning. For example, when commenting on ImageA from UserA you can mention 10 of UserA followers, or you could mention 10 of the ImageA likers or commenters. Get the attention of users who have shown an interest in the media already!

Additional features:

Server Verify.
If you are having trouble logging in on your proxies with your accounts, use the Server Verify module which will attempt to login using high quality US residential proxy from a service we have purchased to provide you with this function. Accounts can log in easier due to the high quality nature of the IP used, then session cookies are returned, which allows you to carry on using Instagram

SMS Verify
Using the getsmscode service, Instadub can automatically verify the account to a phone. Submit number to ISG, receive SMS and submit verification code

Email Verify
If you provide pop details for the ISG account, instadub can access the email account, extract verification email with verification code and submit this back to ISG

Inbox scrape / viewer / replier

Auto reply to DMs received sending different replies based on keywords found in the received DM

Set up auto responders with a sequence of messages, so each reply from the same user gets the next message in your sequence

Auto repost an image received as a DM with keyword triggering

Advanced Scraping:
** Custom Feedback Searches (results of one search feedback to another: Followers_of > userfeed > likers > latest_image

Scrape emails (either in bio or busines contact details)

Save media / users as IDs / Urls / Details (csv, json, full json - the complete information on the data as given by ISG)

Similar tags

Scrape tags from images

Scrape comments from images

Scrape story watchers

Scrape explore locations urls (enter an address and get the relevant explore urls to use in other searches)

Profile Engagement. Find out the top engagers of any profile. Likewise find out which followers / followings of a profile has not engaged for the specified number of posts

Pre-actions. Before you run a main action, you can like the most recent X media of an account, you can comment on the most recent X media of an account, you can watch X number of the users stories, you can like X comments from the recent Y media of an account. Each pre action can be assign a percentage change to run. e.g. specify to like 10 recent medias of an account with a 50% chance, you will like a random 5 of the 10 most recent media!

Auto Mentions: Applicable to posting images / reposting / commenting. Specify a list of users to @mention in your caption / comment, or specify a one off search to run to users to mention or specify a search to run pre comment / caption to find users to mention based on the user / media being actioned, i.e. @mention 3 users who already liked the image you are going to comment on

** The most powerful scrape and filter system of ANY Instagram bot *guaranteed* Find another product with more search options and get your money back. Never again have the situation where you cannot find enough media / users to run your actions. Using our unique Custom Search module, allows you to build a search based on previous searches.

Example: Like Action: (note the number in (n) indicates the amount of results we want)

1) Scrape UserA followers (10)
2) For each result from 1) scrape the most recent images (10)
3) For each image from 2) scrape the likers+comments (1000)
4) For each user result from 3) scrape the most recent image (1)

In case this sounds complicated, to build your search is simple, just select from a list of searches and add them to your built search!

Allowed Search Steps:

Base steps (only be used for first step):
User provided user / list
User provided media / list
My activity
My feed
My story reel

Creator of Media
Explore Location Url
Friend Requests
Hashtag search
Tagged users of image
Latest post of
Story Viewers
User Stories
User feed
Username Search
User tags

Extensive filtering available, with options to specify more than / less than or between where appropriate

User Filter:
Follows ratio ***
uploaded Media
Engagement on your media ****
Last media posts (more than / less than)
gender (male / female)
ignore private
ignore your followers
only business pages
must include category
must include public email
must include public phone number
Include words
Ignore words
Include locations
Ignore locations

*** Follows ratio: The ratio is the result of the calculation: Followers / Followings. This way you can ignore accounts that have large discrepencies between their followers / followings. If an account has 10k followers and follows 100, they won't notice you. If they have 10k followers and 9k followings, there is a chance!
**** Engagement ratio. This requires an activity scrape to run each day. This will store who has engaged with your media. You can use this to filter in out, perhaps to target users who haven't engaged for X days with some actions to remind them of you. Or perhaps to just find who to unfollow.

Image Filter:
User filter
Time since uploaded (days/hours/mins): more / less
Ignore followers
Ignore own media
Ignore images / videos
Unique accounts per days (like 1 image per account per 4 days)
Include words
Ignore words
Include locations
Ignore locations

Posting Images:
Powerful pre-processing options:
Add overlay text
Post to Explore Location
Auto Tag users
Auto Caption mentions
Post 1st comment
Like image after posting
Delete image X hours after posting
Post as Story
Advanced Image Uniquifying module, change the hue / saturation / brightness / flip / filter and more. See examples of options here:


Do you allow refunds?
Yes, just write to us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund

How many machines can I install on?

What if I want to move machines?
Use the form to reset your license:

Is it a one time license?

Do I get free updates?

Are you sure?

Will this change?

Should I assume that as you don't take monthly payments you are going to disappear?
We have been selling social network bots since 2012 which is one of, if not the longest still going bot developers, we have been fine with this payment model and assume it to be so.

Do you update regularly?
Over 300 times in 3 years. Updates are made due to ISG changes, due to bugs, to add new features, to make improvements to existing features. See the list here:

Can I suggest new features / improvements?
Please do, we rely on user feed to improve the program, we believe in making the program you want, not us telling you the features you want.

Do you have a free trial?
Sorry, but we do not offer trials, the reason why is detailed here:

There is a money back guarantee, so you can trial the software risk free to see if it works well for your needs. In our experience, users that make a payment first tend to be more committed to learning to use the program. Plus it avoids having to support users who have no intention of buying the software and just want to use it for the free trial period.

Do you offer support?
Yes, we have a public support forum, as we believe in having everything open and public. Want to see how quickly we reply to your posts - then you can check. Do we claim the program is perfect and issue free? No. But we sure as hell fix everything that is reported and we do this in public because we are proud of our response times and how quickly things are fixed. Equally we are proud of how quick we go from user suggestion > feature discussions > new feature implemented > new updated released.

Equally you can contact us from the website support page:

and find our support email address listed on the website (support page) and all over the forum. We are not one of those companies who make it next to impossible to contact us. We want your feedback, we want your bug submissions, we want your suggestions.

Those details again:

Can I see the changelog?

Will you train and guide me to be profitable on ISG?
No. We will not tell you what to do. We will not review your account, your images and tell you how to do it better. We will however help you to use the program. Just to be clear from the start, we do not provide 1 to 1 SEO training. We will help you use the program. We will help you implement the strategies you are using: "how do I do <this>". You have to come up with <this>.

What help / documentation do you offer?
Online documentation:

Support Forum:

Tutorial Forum:

Getting started Video Tutorials:

Basic Introductory Tutorials:

All Video Tutorials:

Can I run this on a mac?
The program is a windows desktop application. In order to run it on a Mac, you will need to use a VM such as Parallels / VMWare etc

Another option is to rent a VPS web server in which you can run the program 24x7. A VPS is a remote machine you access and control via remote desktop, VNC

Does the program run on my machine?
Yes, everything is on your machine, your data, your actions. We do not and can not access anything you do.

Will the program run my actions if I close Instadub?

Will the program run my actions if I close my computer?

Think of Instadub as a real person, a secretary. You have told them what you want them to do: search for profiles that posted an image with hashtagX, filter those images and profile based on these variables: A,B,C,D. The users that pass those tests must be followed and like the most recent 3 images. The secretary then sits at your machine and performs those tasks on your computer. The secretary cannot do that if the machine is off.

Will ISG shut you down like they did others?
No, we hope not. We haven't been contacted by ISG. But as our jurisdiction is non-US, non-EU there probably isn't a lot they can do about it.

Let's say they DO shut you down, will I be able to use the program I purchased.
Yes. As you run the program on your machine, that we cannot access, we cannot remove the program. Should our servers be removed, our staff arrested and placed in Mark Zuckerbergs private prison, then the program will detect this and write a permanant license to disk and no longer make any contact to our licensing server, making it IMPOSSIBLE for us or anyone to stop the program running. Additionally, should you prefer you can run this permanent license routine at any time.

How many accounts can I run in the program?
Unlimited (by us). That means we do not place any limitations on the program. The program does use RAM and the CPU which will place a limit on the number of accounts. Also your usage. if your accounts are only liking 1 media a day you can run more than if you are liking / following / posting images 24x7.

In addition to running unlimited accounts, you can run unlimited instances of the program on your machine, each using a separate database. So you can keep your footbal accounts separate to your BBW accounts (I don't think I am the only one who has used the wrong accounts for the wrong niche before). This always allows you to run more accounts, dividing the accounts across instances, helps keep the database access efficient. Again we do not limit the number of instances per machine, but there is a resource limit. Probably that limit is around 20-25 instances per machine (machine spec dependant).

So you can install the software on 3 machines and run 20 instances per machine, meaning 60 instances. Lets say you run 500 accounts per instance, giving you a total of 30k accounts per license

I haven't heard of rootjazz, who are you?
Rootjazz are one of, if not the longest running social network bot providers. First program released end of 2012

Can I see some tutorials showing how to use the program?

Getting started Video Tutorials:

Basic Introductory Tutorials:

Basic Tutorials:
basic tutorial instadub instagram upload images

instadub - basic tutorial - promo module

instadub - basic tutorial - follow action

instadub - promomodule v2

Getting Started Tutorials
InstaDUB Getting started pt1 adding accounts

InstaDUB Getting started pt2 follow action

InstaDUB Getting started pt3 unfollow

InstaDUB Getting started pt4 posting images

InstaDUB Getting started pt5 processing

InstaDUB Getting started pt6 alt image uploading pt1

InstaDUB Getting started pt6 alt image uploading pt2

InstaDUB Getting started pt7 post comments

InstaDUB Getting started pt8 custom search

InstaDUB Getting started pt9 filter

InstaDUB Getting started pt10 adv pre actions

InstaDUB Getting started pt11 daily limits

InstaDUB Getting started pt12 advanced accounts

What was the cost again?
Normally $97, but with BHW discount, $87


Click the image, or go here:
Thread Approved.
Works as described, easy to use and support is great.
Any discount for the first time buyer? Will provide a review after the purchase
Any review copies or first sales discounts let me know thanks
Hi rootjaz, I have been using followliker for ages but it no longer works with instagram's new algo. Does instadub still work around this new algo that has put followliker to shame? I am in dire need of a bot for Instagram that will actually follow or like commands with minimal settings, and will not keep receiving error messages. Please let me know what you think,

I'd be very interested in a review copy if that's an option!
As somebody that has worked with Martin (Rootjazz) before I can vouch he makes great software and puts a lot of effort in his products.

Instadub has a scraper that you cannot dream of finding anywhere else, and for me, it alone is worth the price.

Also for everyone asking for a review copy it is against the rules of the forum to ask for review copy when the seller has not said they're offering any.
Am I able to buy it with a paypal that doesnt have creditcard attached? :)
Am I able to buy it with a paypal that doesnt have creditcard attached? :)

You should be able to. But any issues, please email me and we can help sort them out:

I'd be very interested in a review copy if that's an option!
No review copies I'm afraid. The program has been out for years, so is fairly well established, plenty of reviews around. However if you want a review discount (bigger than the standard 10% above) I can do that for the first few users to get this BST pumping, just send me an email


Hi rootjaz, I have been using followliker for ages but it no longer works with instagram's new algo. Does instadub still work around this new algo that has put followliker to shame? I am in dire need of a bot for Instagram that will actually follow or like commands with minimal settings, and will not keep receiving error messages. Please let me know what you think,


I don't know followliker, nor am aware of any issues they have. I am not aware of any problems with the program that are not attributed to poor proxies / low quality accounts. That said, our program is still maintained and updated regularly (more so than any other program that I am aware of, so any new issues are dealth with promptly. You can see our update schedule here:

As you can see, updates made hundreds of times over the last 3 years.

Any review copies or first sales discounts let me know thanks
Any discount for the first time buyer? Will provide a review after the purchase
sure, as above I can do first sales review copy discount, send me an email

Posting stories with links (requires business account) now add to the latest download branch
I haven't checked this software out yet so i can't tell you much about it but i must say that rootjazz has probably one of the best and fastest support ever. I have bought his TumblingJazz software a couple years ago, and man the opportunities what you can do with this are almost endless. I haven't used his software in quite some time but with all the new stuff coming up etc. this might just be my best solution. If you now make a Pinterest Bot, you got my sale dude LOL

Edit: One thing i was afraid of is the CPU which the software uses? I am often using 200-600 Accounts for Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram... will there be any problems with CPU if i run it on a server? I can't remember how it was back in 2016 with TumblingJazz..
hi, can I have a copy discount,

I have evaluated all the IG bot the past months (paid full license and load them with all kinds of IG accounts), and still, the winner is Jarvee, but I want to try yours too,
I have tried many proxies too, 4G or residential is the only way.

Happy New Year to everyone,
I haven't checked this software out yet so i can't tell you much about it but i must say that rootjazz has probably one of the best and fastest support ever. I have bought his TumblingJazz software a couple years ago, and man the opportunities what you can do with this are almost endless. I haven't used his software in quite some time but with all the new stuff coming up etc. this might just be my best solution. If you now make a Pinterest Bot, you got my sale dude LOL

Edit: One thing i was afraid of is the CPU which the software uses? I am often using 200-600 Accounts for Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram... will there be any problems with CPU if i run it on a server? I can't remember how it was back in 2016 with TumblingJazz..

The OS (well dotnet framework) will handle CPU usage, if it decides it can run better by utilising the CPU it will. If other services / programs are using it, then it will use less.

hi, can I have a copy discount,

I have evaluated all the IG bot the past months (paid full license and load them with all kinds of IG accounts), and still, the winner is Jarvee, but I want to try yours too,
I have tried many proxies too, 4G or residential is the only way.

Happy New Year to everyone,

Sure, I am keeping the review discount live for a couple of weeks into the new year. Write me a mail:

I will just say, don't expect our program to be jarvee / fl / gmt but with a better license, one time fee etc. It has a different work flow. Not better, not worse, just different. We use different concepts for running actions, which give you more control and more feedback, however you create and control them differently. So come to the program with your eyes open, and not just expecting a carbon copy (not sure how we could be a copy as we have been around years longer than the competition but ...) and you'll be ok.

just bought it(with fake money/bitcoin) can't wait to receive it
rootjazz always sells great products. I've used tumblingjazz for years and now using instadub too. You pay once, no monthly subscription BS here.
I did need to watch tutorials and check forums, but that's fine as these softs can do many neat things
the support is fantastic, and the software is updated all the time ( when needed)
Now, what we'd love is some account creation software ;-)
Received an email asking if users who had an account here could review Instadub, I didn't have one but decided to make one anyways purely to review Instadub because of how helpful it has been to my small business growth. Program comes with everything you need and the customer service is unbelievable. Martin really takes the time out of his day to keep his customers happy. One time fee, no monthly subscriptions, continuously updated.

It doesn't get any better than this.
I love instadub, you pay once only and it has very good support on their forum.
I run it on a cheap lenovo 110s (Intel Celeron N3060, 2GB de RAM, 32GB de eMMC, Windows 10 Home)
running 3-4 accounts 7/24 and
the cpu use i just checked now:
Cpu use: 1,3 - 5,9%
Memory use: 12- 24 MB Ram
I used Instadub for about a year, ran 150 accounts on a 64gbs VPS, doing about 300 actions per day each, in 15 instances of the software, each instance handling 10 accounts and 3 threads per account, like, follow, comment, ran for about 10 hours a day. Half of the accounts running by day and half by night, so there were always at least 80 processes running at the same time.

I also ran 3 account from my home IP and not even once I stumbled upon a phone or email verification.

I have sent Martin some accounts to test on a few times and there was a time when I had a problem with the software crashing on me and Martin asked for my VPS login details and solved the problem the same day for me by login into my VPS, I don't think there are many service providers that would go to that length to fix a random customer's problem.
My honest review:
For this price you will get an amazing bot ! It has so much functionalities, and can helps you in different things ! The scrapper for exemple is amazing !
In the beginning you'll need time to accomodate with the bot (because to be honest it's a little messy) but after a few hours you'll find how much this bot is cool !
I still think that some options would be needed but shoutout to Martin who's doing an amazing job. He's always here fixing the problems and adding the needed options.
In conclusion : Don't hesitate ! This bot deserve every $ you'll spend on it !
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