Help for setting up a new Blog


May 15, 2010
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Hi bhw members..:D
Hope you all are fine..
I am newbie..:confused:

I had setup a new Wordpress blog. I need to know waht are the commonly used plugins for customising my blog. My blog is a personal blog where i write about my activities and about things that i come across. something like a diary. I would like to have a few suggestions from bhw experts here.:scratchch

I installed SEO booster lite and sociable plugins.

Is there any WYSIWG type wordpress theme creator or editor?
Yup, Blackrat is right, All In One SEO is a must, what's more don't forget to change your permalinks structure to /%postname%/ so each link to your post gets your post title, it's good for seo. You can also use /%category%/%postname%/ if your categories contain relevant keywords for your site.
I think the social media share plugins are good if you're wanting to spread the word about your blog.

I'd add in there a sitemap generator as well.
As a new bee i also want more information regarding this...

A thousand thanks and a hundred kisses..
I installed my blog finally its fit..
Its not a business blog or promotion blog its for my friends buddies and mates.

If you wish to see how it looks.. go here

Please do post comments after visiting.