Get some additional traffic, automated :)


Registered Member
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
A little trick I found and modified to make as unobtrusive as possible and still get some traffic. This works purely on blog-owner curiosity.

The method:

  • Fake your browsers referer to your website URL
  • Stumble!
When the website owner checks their stats, their incoming links should show your website URL.

Here's the step-by-step:

  1. Get Firefox!
  2. Get a account. They don't verify email, so just register with anything:
  3. Install the iMacros Firefox extension:
  4. Install the RefControl extension:
  5. In Firefox, click Tools -> RefControl Options
  6. Where it says "Default for sites not listed" click Edit, and add your URL:
  7. refctrl.JPG
  8. Test your referer by visiting
  9. In Firefox, click View -> Sidebar -> iOpus iMacros
  10. Create a new macro, and use the following script:
  11. Code:
    TAB T=1
    SET !LOOP 1
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=ID:linkStumble
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=ID:linkThumb
  12. In iMacros set "Max:" to a high number (how many pages you want to stumple), like 3000 or 10000.
  13. Click Play(Loop)
  14. Profit!
Now, if you still want to use Firefox, I would suggest opening a new instance. iMacros tab requires focus to work!
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Modified the macro script a little bit to ignore errors and (hopefully) dialogs:

TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=ID:linkStumble
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One more modification to this. After testing this for several hours, (and getting some decent traffic back), I've tweaked this to be a bit faster and have less errors.

URL GOTO=javascript:if(location.href.indexOf("")<0){window.location=""}
TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=ID:linkStumble
I don't understand how I can get traffic for stumbling other peoples stuff?
Blog owners tend to check where their traffic is coming from...

Quote from
When you visit a website, several pieces of information are usually recorded by that site. Your IP, Browser, and Referer address are a few of them. The Referer address is the address of the page you just came from. Most webmasters, from time to time, check their Referer log to see where their traffic is coming from. When they see traffic coming from a website they haven't heard of, they go to check it out to see why this website linked to them.Using this to your advantage to build a little extra traffic for your site is easy. If you use Firefox (and you should, because IE is for morons), you can go grab a plugin called RefControl. Refcontrol allows you to overwrite the referer url that your browser normally sends to webpages with whatever you want. So just put in your site address and browse the web normally. Keep in mind that this will, in some cases, annoy the crap out of people, but if you know anything about Nickycakes, annoying the crap out of people is a benefit and not a drawback.

It's not something you need to babysit, for a little extra traffic to your offers. Just set it and forget it. What you're offering should be geared toward webmasters, or targeted at the webmasters of the niches you select in your StumbleUpon preferences.
This does the same thing as PRstorm, Referrer link spamming ?
wow weaselstomp.. i must say.. this is brilliant.. my brain can't think this far away to find such traffic... :)
This is great way, to gain Backlink's also. Most Small Blog owner's Will add your site to there family, once they see that you've linked to them.
once they see that you've linked to them.

But you haven't actually linked to them...

since the site will iframed, even though we are faking the referrer, wouldn't su still be the referrer?

and why do you make that page a thumbs up?
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But you haven't actually linked to them...
Would you like me to mod it to capture the URL and save it somewhere, so you can make a big link page? :)

since the site will iframed, even though we are faking the referrer, wouldn't su still be the referrer?
Actually, yes. Unless, that is, you have the RefControl extension. I tested this theory before posting it. To test it, I installed and configured the RefControl Firefox extension, and made my own Stumble URL:

Now it is true that if you don't have Firefox's RefControl extension, it'll show as the ref, but with RefControl, it's overridden (since the server isn't re-hashing the data for the browser, it's simply redirecting the browser within a frame).
and why do you make that page a thumbs up?
Some hardcore SEO freaks will check StumbleUpon for who "thumbed them up" ( More actions builds a stronger Stumble profile, which you can use later to submit stumbles for *YOUR* pages, that have some weight.

Also, why not? :) I like seeing "You have 19,421 favorites" at the top-right of the stumble page.
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And if you want to make it really fast and have fewer timeouts: disable images, popups, get AdBlock, and disable Java (not JavaScript - else you can't stumble) :)
I did this a while back when NickyCakes first posted the orginal post using automate it. I didn't run this script forever because the stumbleupon "police" started to pester me and started talking about black-listing my domain. I found it better to refer spam new domains, the webmasters are even more EXTRA curious to see who is visiting their brand new blog or webpage and they actually don't mind the extra pings. Just gather a list of about 3,000 new domains and refer spam away, it's funny some experienced webmasters will know what your doing and refer spam you back from domain names like "www worstblogsonthenet com" or something silly towards that magnitude.

It's good for you if your in desperate need for hits, but if your thinking long term, this method will only increase your bounce rate on your analytics.
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I knew about refControl, but the iMacros bit is an awesome twist. It's mesmerizing to sit back and watch the internet go by while I'm stumbling it.
I didn't run this script forever because the stumbleupon "police" started to pester me and started talking about black-listing my domain.
You could set the referrer in RefControl as a "<normal>" action: Click Add Site -> ""

This would ensure that Stumbleupon gets their own referrer, but every other site gets yours :)
this is great!!

I like it as it is autonated you only have to set it up once

thank you weaselstomp
I would also suggest using something to block Flash too.
If a page has Google maps on it, it crashes the script. Trying to figure out how to block that.
This does the same thing as PRstorm, Referrer link spamming ?

I think this`s kind different from prstorm, you don`t even use proxy list to referer url.
Plus, I can use stumble upon my fav sites.
I like this method.
You could set the referrer in RefControl as a "<normal>" action: Click Add Site -> ""

This would ensure that Stumbleupon gets their own referrer, but every other site gets yours :)

So the default for sites not listed would be our site (custom).

Then add a site (stumbleupon) and set action as normal?

I don't get how this alternates every other site.