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Cpa help


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
I am new to cpa heard about some people making a lot of money using maxbounty peerfly and etc.

What are the best cpa offer providers.?

What is the best way to get accepted into one of these companies?

Tools that would be required in the journey?

Best marketing methods.

I know i am asking a lot of questions but all my knowledge is from bhw there is no other place to learn if you cannot learn here.

Know someone who claims to spoon feed you the whole process for a hefty fee but why not try it myself with you guys i will begin my journey with our recommendations and update the thread for any newcomers
@SpoonFeeder you got a job to do!

At OP yes a lot of questions and for you to find out ;)

There is no "best" CPA "provider".

There is no "best" way to get accepted.

There is no "best marketing" method.

There are many people that will claim to teach you the ropes especially if they know you got money to spend.

Pay no1 that will claim to teach you. Pay only for your own mistakes, you will find out pretty soon what that means.

Use the +Quote function if you going to reply multiple times within 5 min
@SpoonFeeder you got a job to do!

At OP yes a lot of questions and for you to find out ;)

There is no "best" CPA "provider".

There is no "best" way to get accepted.

There is no "best marketing" method.

There are many people that will claim to teach you the ropes especially if they know you got money to spend.

Pay no1 that will claim to teach you. Pay only for your own mistakes, you will find out pretty soon what that means.

Use the +Quote function if you going to reply multiple times within 5 min

Yes you my friend are speaking your experience. I am always open to suggestions even for the things i think I am good at, since perfection can never be improved. Still would love to know your thoughts or recommendations
Well just read my https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/a-couple-beginner-tips-low-cost-free-money-making-methods-for-beginners.999534/ man it has a lot of info to get you started.

But what I was trying to say, you just need to make a start in whatever and no matter the win or loss, learn from it and improve.

This whole IM is about testing, failing, learn from mistakes, improving and get it done.
Well just read my sticky man it has a lot of info to get you started.

But what I was trying to say, you just need to make a start in whatever and no matter the win or loss, learn from it and improve.

This whole IM is about testing, failing, learn from mistakes, improving and get it done.
Thank you will read will begin my journey soon
Thank you will read will begin my journey soon
It's all good bro. Even if you will fail hard at the beginning.

Don't see that shit as a loss! See it as a lesson.

IM for real isn't easy and only a small portion and type of people will succeed.

Go get it ;)
I am new to cpa heard about some people making a lot of money using maxbounty peerfly and etc.

What you heard is true. A lot of people are making a lot of money using maxbounty, peerfly and hundreds of other CPA networks.

What are the best cpa offer providers.?

Maxbount, Peerfly, Clickbooth, AdwordsMedia, OGAds, CrakRevenue,etc.

What is the best way to get accepted into one of these companies?

Calling them on phone. And before you make that call., be prepared to answer a bunch of questions like how you will be promoting their offers. CPC/Email/SEO/Social or whatever your traffic source is

Tools that would be required in the journey?

14x16 Spanner, 18/20 Wrench and an Iron Hammer. Seriously, Show me your earnings screenshots and I'll get you the tools list. Until then, all you need is just some brain.

Best marketing methods.

There is no best marketing method. I can be good at SEO and @Neon can be best at attracting traffic by barking. You gotta choose the method which you find easier.

I know i am asking a lot of questions but all my knowledge is from bhw there is no other place to learn if you cannot learn here.

That's irony! You're already in BHW and still asking questions.

Know someone who claims to spoon feed you the whole process for a hefty fee but why not try it myself with you guys i will begin my journey with our recommendations and update the thread for any newcomers

The only secret thing I'd like to SpoonFeed you is located here : bit.ly/bhwmoney

It'll open the doors to unlock 5 figure income in CPA.

Wish you best!
What you heard is true. A lot of people are making a lot of money using maxbounty, peerfly and hundreds of other CPA networks.

Thank you. Currently doing social media work for a few local clients. I spend 4 to 5 hours a day sitting idle. A friend suggested me a local guy teaches this stuff but the price was to high just a beginner why not try it myself. Maybe i can do it or maybe not but that will help with improving my marketing skills

Maxbount, Peerfly, Clickbooth, AdwordsMedia, OGAds, CrakRevenue,etc.

Calling them on phone. And before you make that call., be prepared to answer a bunch of questions like how you will be promoting their offers. CPC/Email/SEO/Social or whatever your traffic source is

14x16 Spanner, 18/20 Wrench and an Iron Hammer. Seriously, Show me your earnings screenshots and I'll get you the tools list. Until then, all you need is just some brain.

There is no best marketing method. I can be good at SEO and @Neon can be best at attracting traffic by barking. You gotta choose the method which you find easier.

That's irony! You're already in BHW and still asking questions.

The only secret thing I'd like to SpoonFeed you is located here : bit.ly/bhwmoney

It'll open the doors to unlock 5 figure income in CPA.

Wish you best!
Well just read my sticky man it has a lot of info to get you started.

But what I was trying to say, you just need to make a start in whatever and no matter the win or loss, learn from it and improve.

This whole IM is about testing, failing, learn from mistakes, improving and get it done.


Like billy said above you have to research, take action, and adapt, all while learning from your mistakes in the process op:)