Any way to find whatsapp groups?


Regular Member
Dec 21, 2017
Reaction score
Hey community .
As the title says i want to find whatsapp groups that are in specific niche.
For ex : beauty or deals.
I have used google to find groups and there pop some of the re-sellers as well.
But the biggest problem is repetitive group links.
So , is there any way to find groups in any niche.
Any method or any bot (free/paid) would work.
Any help from members would be appreciated.

Google for public groups first, then ask the members inside if they have your specific niche group
i will replay but now i want sleeping

i have fantastic solutions
What are you on tonight?
ok i will ask now

1- go to
2- in this exact word or phrase: type chat.whatsapp
3- in any of these words: type your keywords space beteen workds
4- you can select language and location from below options
5- very important select site as or any another site
6- click advanced search
7- select all text from search pages and copy text in one file
8- send me file i will get whats app groups one with no duplicates and check links avilable to join with out any noney :)
i have script on my local host soon i will upload on host and you will get it with out any thing

another thing
i have 2 paid programs if you want it i can talk with programmer and send you trail

first program
you can type keywork and the program will search and remove duplicate

second porgram
put the group text after that you will have only available groups with group name
revoked linkes will be deleted
There is no direct way to search through overall WhatsApp to get the desired WhatsApp Group you want.

But, if you want to join a particular Group, then you can do it without Admin Permission

1. You can join WhatsApp Group through Invitation Link.
2. To create Invitation link, ask your friend to Open Whatsapp and Group then click Group Name.
3. click the + ICON on Right Top of the Phone.
4. click the Invite To Group Via Link option.
5. When you get this link, you can join that Group.