
  1. Shropdog

    Rank and rent pricing

    A client has asked me how much I would charge for a rank and rent service . I've not answered yet as I dont know nor dobi know which way to charge the service. There could be 2 ways to do it and so 2 price structures 1 I sell him space on a site I've ranked ( for his niche I'll have to...
  2. Seosasha

    Strong Backlinks from Performing Site Network from $1.9/mo

  3. nouveauriche

    How to get lots of free leads if you have a hotel/rent vacation houses (rental)

    If you have a hotel or rent vacation houses here's a trick you could use to make sure you get lots of free leads (meaning name + address) to whom you can send direct mail advertising your hotel/rental. You offer a postcard delivery service, meaning you give each visitor 5 free postcards and YOU...
  4. F

    Hello Everybody My name is Alexander

    Hey everybody my name is Alexander... I have TONS of knowledge too much to be honest. So, I've been on here for a year October 7th lol. I've literally POSTED nothing. and this is my first time doing the intro lol. I'm noticing I need to get my numbers up and be an active member. Personally, I...
  5. Merylnoire

    What is your favorite rental app?

    Beside what is your favorite rental and housing application? Please do not tell me Craigslist..
  6. tiiberius

    [REVIEWS WANTED] FREE Review Access To a *PREMIUM* PBN Service!

    I'm looking for 10 Jr Vip members to review my premium PBN rental service. The service has been running for a while with great success and I figured I would launch it on BHW with discounted prices for fellow forum members. Main Criteria: Jr Vip/Donor with 100+ posts or Regular member with...
  7. C

    Sig Space Renter Wanted => Payment Via Leupay

    Need a senior Member who is interested in renting his BHW Sig. Space for 15 or 30 days. Pls, send price quoation via PM. Method Of Payment : LEUPAY ☞NOTE: i should be able to place both link & banner on these space Thanks