Hi, thanks for your previous feedback on my previous thread.. it helps me to suggest on my client which is best for his company logo and would appreciate to hear your thoughts again! I'm open for suggestions to improve the initial concept which you can find below image. Thanks for your time ahead!
We are looking for a new logo, Something modern but friendly. If this is your line of work please reply to this post ASAP.
We are looking for more than one logo and we are accepting all ideas, if this is your area of expertise we'd love to here from you!!
Time is of the essence!!
Thank you...
It's a screen printing company called See Gold Tees. I'm just setting up my online shop, and would like a good logo. The logo isn't only going on the site, but the shirts also, so I'd like it to be really professional. I'd get it done by a company but I'd rather do it here. I also will be making...
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