• On Wednesday, 19th February between 10:00 and 11:00 UTC, the forum will go down for maintenance. Read More


  1. tazarbm

    Conspiracy theory.... leech people

    There are people in our lives that feed on our lifeforce. If you're a good man, you already have the good stuff that these people don't have, and they crave it badly, and they'll drag you to their level so they can feed on your energy. They're aware of their evil nature, but they still do it...
  2. C

    How unlikely would this be? - Google Analytics, BH marketing forums cross-reference

    I feel like this may be a stupid question with GDPR complications but here goes ... Naturally, being internet marketers, many of us here use Google analytics. Hypothetically, would it be unlikely that Google would cross reference Google analytics accounts with Gmail accounts receiving emails...
  3. gladiator199

    [WTB] Need IG Accounts in conspiracy, alternative media, "woke" niche

    Hey everyone, just like the title says, I'm looking for IG Accounts in the following niche: conspiracies, alternative media,"woke", alternative medicine, government critical etc. Follower count should be at least a few thousands. Please contact me if you have something that fits the...
  4. D

    Bitcoin: Conspiracy Theory - A Vehicle for the Mass Redistribution of Global Wealth

    Here goes with my contribution to the weekend (Happy Friday ;)).. I was just taking a look at a Medium article that came through to my inbox , https://medium.com/discourse/in-the-midst-of-covid-19-elites-have-begun-to-prepare-for-the-uprising-ca541ccec292. (The article talks about how the...
  5. TWdesigns69

    For those interested in UF0s conspiracies, unexplained mysteries...

    Read the books by /michael Salla. I just sampled two of his books on my kindle and am just blown away by the documentation and evidence. And mind you ive only read the samples. Can't wait to read the full book. I am just blown away right now and have a great desire to share my "discovery". One...
  6. D

    Skepticism Surrounding Free Articles

    I haven't been an active contributing member on BHW, but I do visit often to read over some of the quality journeys and perhaps to catch a tip here or there. Anyways... I've noticed that people will give out, say, a free 500 word article of your choice to the first 20 people, or they will be...
  7. G

    80 Gb of conspiracy videos

    I've seen here are some conspiracy or anti authority fans out here. So here you go over 80 Gb of conspiracy videos: hxxp://nw0.info/?p=Documentaries/ scroll to bottom of the page and you'll find a nice list of videos to download. :)