blogging journey

  1. hims.000

    [Journey] Scaling A Blogger Directory Websites (DA 55) to 20K Visitors a Month (Site Hacked One Year Ago)

    When I embarked on my blogging journey, I was a complete novice, clueless about where to begin. I started to learn a lot of things, I have learned SEO, learned to build backlinks etc. While I'm still in the learning process, my strategy revolves around crafting compelling content and...
  2. sageshark

    [Journey] My Experiment with Newsomatic + Auto Blogging - Let's See How Many $$$ Can I Make?

    I am always ready to do new experiments and learn from it. This is my way to get first hand experience of things. So I have started experiments with Auto Blogging and Tumblr Marketing and you can find those journey threads here and here. This is going to be my thirds journey in BHW and second...
  3. sageshark

    [Journey] Scaling a Tumblr Blog / Website from Scratch

    Hi Friends, I recently asked a question about Tumblr in BHW but did not get response from the community - may be not many people are using Tumblr. However I think it can be a great platform for micro blogging. I have used Tumblr in the past but I used to autopost in it via a wordpress plugin. So...
  4. menthol

    [Journey] From $0 to quitting my job

    Hello everyone and welcome to my journey! As a short intro, I've been familiar with SEO and IM for the past ~8 years, I managed to do it full-time for ~2 years and earned pretty well from a warez niche, then my life started falling apart and I ended up moving to another country and getting a...
  5. K

    Journey to 100 USD/day From Adsense Only

    Hello Guys I'll be posting weekly update on my journey Here's what ive done so for 1. Bought a good domain 2. set up my site 3. posted about 15 articles 4 linked the search console and analytics Issues: HTTPs not being discovered by google search console Help needed: article writers link...
  6. sageshark

    Sharing My Journey with a Fresh Website with Detailed Analytics

    Friends, I just thought to share my journey with a fresh website that I created 3 months ago. I haven’t worked seriously on this project because of my busy schedule. Still I observed a slow growth in its organic traffic, so I have decided to start working on it and see the results in coming 6...
  7. notNewB

    [Blogging Journey] The best I can do

    It's time to document my second blogging journey. The first one is here, unsuccessful in terms of hitting initially set goals but successful in terms of gaining experience. This time, I'm putting in everything I got, no excuses! I will do everything I know about blogging (perfect research...
  8. pepekobasa

    BLOGGING JOURNEY: Dropping out of college at the end of the year

    I hate school! I really don't see the value of it because everytime I go to school all I do is sleep on classes, cut class to go outside to have fun or smoke. I really don't see any value from it. In fact, I have learned much more outside the school than in school. What I have learned? - I...
  9. Aquinas

    My First Blogging Journey!

    Hi Guys. Introduction I've been lurking on this forum for a while. I'm a university student whose currently got nothing to do for 6 months due to coronavirus and I thought I would finally attempt to get something done! A few years back I attempted to jump onto various money making strategies...
  10. BlueBuzzy

    [Journey] Blogging to $1000/month

    Just wait for this journey to take forever because I literally got the number off the top of my head. However, I feel like it will be a nice read for people who's never made a single dollar in IM. So let's get into it. I've been working on this blog for a couple months now. Haven't been...