BLOGGING JOURNEY: Dropping out of college at the end of the year


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Nov 7, 2020
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I hate school! I really don't see the value of it because everytime I go to school all I do is sleep on classes, cut class to go outside to have fun or smoke. I really don't see any value from it. In fact, I have learned much more outside the school than in school. What I have learned?

- I learned writing
- My grammar improved because of blogging
- I learned how to make money

School is for workers. They make robots that will work for the dropouts in the future, and I am the dropout.

Main Goal
My Main goal is to earn a passive income of $1000 every month thru blogging so that I can drop out of college, do another business, and earn most of my money thru internet marketing.

I am 19 years old, turning 20 on October 2021. I have earned money from CPA, dropshipping, and from my t-shirt business which recently closed. I am a dreamer and doer that hate school very fucking much!

I started lurking and creating sites since I was 16. My first sites were all CPA scamming sites. I tried blogging last july 2020 because I was inspired by many bloggers' success stories, and since I am 19, I am planning to look forward for my future. This journey shall be resulted as a long term income for me.

I have many plans for the future, and I think I will be able to do that plans if I succeed in my current blogging journey first. What are my plans for my future (not in order)? Build android games for passive income, build at least 10 blogsites, quit school, provide everything for my family, be an inspiration for my friends and others, buy a lambo, have my own place by 21, retire at 30, get married by 30 with a 20 years old hot wife, have some kids, and travel the whole world!

It looks like impossible but for me it is possible. But for now, I will first focus on my current journey.

Where I am Right Now?
Well right now I am at my parent's house typing and trying to make some money. I have earned money thru CPA but I realized that CPA is for short term, and I am looking forward for long term income because like I have said, I am going to drop as soon as I earned $1000 per month.

Currently I have two websites with different niche. The first site was created on April but I started the serious work on July (5months old). The second site is new and it was created last November 29 (I purchased the domain at low price because of Black Friday sale).

I am planning to make another site by November 2021.

Here are the stats of my sites:

Site 1
5 months old
# of articles
Monetization: Amazon Affiliate and Google Adsense
Income: $30
What did I do wrong: My mistake from this site is that I targeted high comp keywords instead of low comp keywords or underserved topics at the start.
How to improve: Because I already have a 146 articles (with some low comp keywords) I am planning to write articles that are underserved topics (never written by anyone eg: quora questions)
Backlinks: Because of shortage of money I only built cheap guest posts, forum links, and reddit links. I don't trust PBN's or other dirty links because I am looking for long term right? So why should I risk my site?

site 1.png

Site 2
1 month old
# of articles:
How to improve: I will never build a shitty backlinks for this site because I see much potential on this site because of the niche of it. I will let organic link come to me. I will continue to write everyday of underserved topics until I see some good tractions, and after seeing some tractions, I am going to write medium-comp topics and escalate until hard-comp topics. I have learned from my past site so I think I already know what to do with this site.

Backlinks: Like I have said, I will build no shitty backlinks (except forum links) for this site since I am looking for a long term passive income

I have never put some ads yet because I am planning to get 10k - 20k visitors before I apply to Ezoic.

site 2.png

My Plan For January and February

My main goals for the month of January are these:

- Write 10 articles for my site 1 ( underserved topics)
- Write 20 articles for my site 2 ( underserved topics)
- Build Forum links for my site 2 since I was banned by Pinterest

My main goals for the month of February are these:

- Focus more on site 2 (write 20 articles)
- Write at least 5 articles for my site 1
- Build more forum links

Just so you know guys I am the only one writing all of my articles, and I write 1 article per day. I know my grammar isn't that proficient yet but we'll get there soon! How many word each articles have? 1k to 3k words per article. Also, google don't care about the grammars. They even rank websites will bullshit grammar than mine. I am going to hack the google's algorithm using white hat methods.

I will never use Amazon affiliiate on my second site because their conversion is bullshit! My site 1 is using Amazon affiliate and all of my sales I got, they only gave me 3 bucks per sale. I will use Cj affiliate or Rakuten for my second site. Lastly, I will use Ezoic for both of my sites once I got 10k visitors.


To be honest with you guys, after I graduated from high school, I have never been to college for one year ( that is last 2019) and I didn't also enroll this 2020 because of pandemic and I hate online classes because it is a waste of time. So in total, I have never been into college for 2 years.

My parents told me to go to college this coming year and I agreed with them. However, I am still planning to left school by the end of the year if I accomplish my goal.

I really hate school because it gave me trauma and grudges last high school. I always have low grades, always in the guidance office, and got many regrets and dissappointments. I am the guy who is always being left out. I am only 19 years old, and I think starting out early is essential since I am planning to retire by 30s and enjoy my fucking life.

Wsih me luck guys! If you have any questions, feel free to comment on my thread. Also, if you have some suggestions feel free to type it below, but never suggest me to go back to school lol haha!

I will update weekly :)
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What country are you located in? You will need more than forum links to rank a site
What country are you located in? You will need more than forum links to rank a site
Actually I really don;t neew any links anymore since my method is no need of backlinks. I will use forum links as a replacement for pinterest because I was banned and my second site link was banned as well.
Can always go to school and hustle on the side they aren't mutually exclusive. But yeah good luck!
School isnt’t really bad, but it wont earn you a fortune when you finish it. Wish you good luck with your journey hope you reach your goals in no time!
Best of luck my dude. Hit that $1000/mo soon and go for the beyond!
Can always go to school and hustle on the side they aren't mutually exclusive. But yeah good luck!
Yep I know. But If I become more busy with this business I am taking, then probably I need to quit school. But that only happens when I achieved my goal.
School isnt’t really bad, but it wont earn you a fortune when you finish it. Wish you good luck with your journey hope you reach your goals in no time!
Well it is not good for me. School can be good for someone, but not for everyone. Thanks btw for wishing me goodluck :)
Best of luck my dude. Hit that $1000/mo soon and go for the beyond!
Same to u dude! Hope we both achieve our goal this 2021 :)

Hello Guys :)

I am happy that I am part of this community because this community gives me inspiration. I think I already read all IM journeys here, both past and present. I am really inspired to continue this journey and hoping to drop out of the rat race at the end of the year :)

Here's a little update from my two websites:

Site 1:
week 1.png

Site 2:

week 1.2.png

Nothing much to see from this two websites. However, I am getting some improvements on both sites. Site 1 is getting more organic traffics than before. Like I have said, I have made a mistake on my site 1 that is why it has still low organic traffic even if it was established 5 months ago.

On site 2, I am getting clicks right now. I hope next month I can get out of google sandbox entirely.

My next plan:
Below are my next plans for both of these sites:

- Write more articles
- Fix all social media accounts and build community
- Improve my organic clicks on both sites
- Re-edit my articles

I am writing every day so it is not a problem for me. I write before I go to the gym :)

No building backlinks because I don't have enough money. Second is I am planning to execute a full white-hat on both of my sites because I want to make a case-study to prove that you don't need a backlink for ranking :)

Lastly, I am going to update you guys every two weeks because I am going to get busy because lots of work need to be done :)

I hope I can dropout of college at the end of the year and fulfill my dreams! Wish me luck guys!

Cheers :)
Very interesting goals OP! Apply yourself and stay dedicated and I think you can do it! You can run your articles through Grammerly to fix it up and improve readability. :)

Social media is a gold mine for traffic, facebook groups especially. Those people click on anything.
They make robots that will work for the dropouts in the future

Take a business class before you drop out! When I first went to college I finished my math classes for my degree and then took a 2 business class.. and 1 programming class... then dropped out. ;)

College is still valuable, but I felt I had enough knowledge to pursue something in marketing and landed a job in SEO with a now popular sugar daddy dating site.. #1 in US search. Won't mention the domain on here.

It's been 10 years since dropout, making 40k more than the average person with the degree I was pursuing
Call it a "gap year" and then during that time go hard on making your sites profitable and you will kill it. Metrics look pretty good so far despite being tiny.
good luck! I will follow
Following.. My journey is similar to your journey. Good luck!
Thanks :)
Call it a "gap year" and then during that time go hard on making your sites profitable and you will kill it. Metrics look pretty good so far despite being tiny.
Thanks brother :) I have made some mistakes and now I know what are my mistakes :)
Very interesting goals OP! Apply yourself and stay dedicated and I think you can do it! You can run your articles through Grammerly to fix it up and improve readability. :)

Social media is a gold mine for traffic, facebook groups especially. Those people click on anything.
I use grammarly :) I was banned by Pinterest so I think I am going for Facebook and some related forums to get my first traffics

I will stay dedicated until the end of the year because I really want to drop out of college. Wish me luck!

Take a business class before you drop out! When I first went to college I finished my math classes for my degree and then took a 2 business class.. and 1 programming class... then dropped out. ;)

College is still valuable, but I felt I had enough knowledge to pursue something in marketing and landed a job in SEO with a now popular sugar daddy dating site.. #1 in US search. Won't mention the domain on here.

It's been 10 years since dropout, making 40k more than the average person with the degree I was pursuing

Yes! Actually I am going to get Mass Communication in college this coming July. I will finish all my 1st semester's units then dropout on December if I achieve my goal :)

Yes college is valuable, if you are going to use what you have learned at college. If I achieve my financial freedom maybe I will go back to college after I dropout for the sake of getting a "degree", which most people judge how civilized and intellectual a human is.

Once I turn 40, I will use your site to get some chicks haha!

I hope I can earn what you are earning right now. Wish me luck :)
Facebook is an amazing source of traffic, you just need to be sneaky. ;) Also need an appropriate niche. Depending on why Pinterest banned you, might be a good idea to get a new account behind a proxy and use that. Good luck!
Nice journey, it's nice you are trying to rank two websites simultaneously.
BTW Do you write all your articles on your own or do you outsource some of them??
Nice journey, it's nice you are trying to rank two websites simultaneously.
BTW Do you write all your articles on your own or do you outsource some of them??
I write them on my own I always write everyday before I go to the gym and publish it once I go home.

I write with an average 1500-3000 words. I never write 1400 below :)

Hello guys! It's good to be back! So here are the updates on my site 1 and site 2:

Site 1:
Articles: 156
Months: 6 months (Built last July)
Backlinks: 80

week 2.png
Site 2:
Articles: 38
Months: 1 month (started Dec 1 2020)
Backlinks: No backlinks
week 2.1.png

So guys I really can't believe that my site 2 is performing well than my site 1! Yeah, I've got a big mistakes on my stie 1 but I am currently fixing it right now.

Next Plan?
There is nothing new on my plan. I am sticking to my plan which are:

- Write more articles
- Improve social media
- Be consistent!

My site 2 articles are almost all in page 1 of google and I am getting a 2-3 organic visitor per day right now. Site 2 has no link building while site 1 has link building. My main plan here is to write everyday and stick to it! That's my plan and I think it's solid.

Site 1 has already some google ads on it and Amazon affiliate. My earnings on google ads and amazon are all bullshit :(. However, I am still adding up some content into it. I am planning to apply on Ezoic this coming summer for my site 1.

Site 2 has no ads yet because I am waiting for more traffics so that I can monetize it with Ezoic. I will also make a merch on teespring once my traffic is stable. I already have some good graphic designers. Lastly, I will also monetize it using affiliate marketing (not sure yet what network).

I am always writing everyday myself before I got to the gym. So yes! The journey continues until I dropout at the end of the year! Wish me luck :)
@pepekobasa Things look good man. Just a word of advice, suck it up and graduate. Trust me I fucking hate the traditional education system. It is full of shit! Useless garbage being fed to students that doesn't translate into anything at all. You work hard, waste your fucking time and learn from professors who have never held a real job ever. What the fuck is this guy going to teach me? Right, I felt the same way! But stick it out dude. Don't drop out. Be a man and finish your degree

If ever things go south, you may need your degree. It just offers a weird safety net that makes no sense. We are part of the society, a system exists and we play into it. Now that you've already started something, finish it. Remember SEO is actually quite volatile. You may be making $20,000 today but $2000 next month.

Graduate and keep hustling on the side until then.

Good luck!