Wrong Forward 301 on Registrar


Apr 30, 2017
Reaction score

I accidentally set my A domain to forward 301 (permanent & path forward) to my B domain from registrar. After the incident, the ranks of A domain it just gone. Then I started to set the name server back as the first time I set it.

My question, is there a possibility that the ranking of A domain will return?
Ranking will return sooner or later, try 'fetch as google' in your google webmaster tools and give some time to google.
As long as these 2 domains aren't associated in any way (are a part of PBN, or have 90% similar backlink profiles) - the chances are high that your rankings will return.

-remove redirect
-make sure all pages are displayed correctly, return 200 status code and don't contain meta robots "noindex, nofollow"
-add sitemap one more time to search console
-manually add as many pages as possible to search console, make sure that there're no problems with each URl and then add them to Google index

Also situtation with link building is unclear to me. Do you keep building links all this time? Anyway, you should either continue building links or just build some fresh links to keep all your SEO actions active.