What are some ways to earn with a facebook page? (Atleast $5 a day)


Jan 13, 2016
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Hello! I've dabbled with many different money making strategies over my time and all were short term or simply didn't generate passively enough for my liking.

I have now decided to stick to my Youtube channel and Facebook page for earnings. I receive about $1.50 a day from my Youtube channel as of now but wish to grow that eventually. My hope is that I can maybe match my Youtube earnings to my Facebook earnings as well. But I'm not sure how to go about this.

For instance, is there a way to connect my Adsense to my Facebook? Or get a slight bit of extra money through how many views I get on my page? My channel is small as of right now but is growing rather fast, along side with my Facebook page which is growing at a slightly slower rate.

I'm not too picky as I am eager to learn some new ways and I am willing to go through what ever tough matters come my way but my goal is also not large and am looking for just a slight bit of help to get me started.

My goal is low; simply somewhere in the range of $10 a day. But even so I would be satisfied with $5 a day as I enjoy my job and am just looking for something a little "extra" if you catch my drift. That is what I would potentially like to earn, majority passively of course.

Preemptive thank you to anyone who decides to reply to me. I really appreciate any feedback that is given.
The first question I have for you is how many fans do you have and your niche?

Also, have you tried searching the forums for your answer because there are a ton of posts about this very subject?

But to make long story short, build up your fanbase, create engagement, and post links to your site.

That should easily get you to making $5 a day.
The first question I have for you is how many fans do you have and your niche?

Also, have you tried searching the forums for your answer because there are a ton of posts about this very subject?

But to make long story short, build up your fanbase, create engagement, and post links to your site.

That should easily get you to making $5 a day.

As of now I have about 1500 subscribers on my youtube channel, and around 850 likes on my facebook page.

I have read around the forums yes, but I was wondering of some other ways than the typical post links to my site.
As of now I have about 1500 subscribers on my youtube channel, and around 850 likes on my facebook page.

I have read around the forums yes, but I was wondering of some other ways than the typical post links to my site.

You got to get that number up. 850 is nowhere enough to make $5 a day with. The chances are that all of your 850 fans aren't even seeing your posts.

The next time when you log in, check your Fanpage's reach and then scale up accordingly. You will need a reach in the thousands before you can make any decent money with Facebook because you need people clicking your links. It's a small percentage of people who , maybe 1 or 2 percent, maybe 5 to 10 percent depending on your content and niche. So it's basic math, get a reach of 100,000 times 5 percent (being optimistic) and you have 5,000 clicks coming to your site.

Let's just say that when they land on your site, you earn $3 RPM on average and this number can be higher depending again on content of site and niche along with what Ad networks you use...and that's $15 based on these 5,000 clicks coming in.

It's simple math. There's no magic formula or anything like that. The first step is for you to check reach and engagement of your Fanpage and then scale up accordingly.
With fanpages it's mostly about the links or if you're a store or service provider, you sell your services or products.

CPA offers can work but again, those are links and you need to increase reach.
If you share your videos on facebook page, is better to upload in facebook too, you get more engagement and all that, you can use tubebuddy.

What i am trying to do is to create a video everyday, post on facebook, advertise it, then share in groups, then I create shorter videos, on IG, Snapchat, Telegram and Periscope, telling my followers that I posted this cool video on youtube and go to check it out, I am not aware of Facebook Adsense, but more you increase the followers and more you can use them to redirect to your videos too, and also should help to rank your videos better
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oh dang i was about to offer you to send traffic to my site but less than 800 likes is like a visitor or two a day. if you want to monetize your facebook page youll need a handful more. i dont actually start posting my website on pages unless they hit 20k or more tbh
As a few others have stated, you need to increase your reach. What is your channel about? Try posting your videos in some groups or other pages that are similar to yours to get more likes. Simultaneously, you should also be posting your videos on your facebook page. 2-3 video updates per week and you'll start to see your earnings per day climb. People enjoy consistency.