VPS display problems in Ubuntu / Linux


May 7, 2019
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Hello there,

I currently have a VPS that I can access normally from a Windows OS, but when I switch to my Ubuntu session and try to access it (via Remmina Remote Desktop Application), I have a big display / resolution problem : the server window appears zoomed in / way too big but I can't either change the display settings in the VPS (not possible) nor scroll in the software.

I've tried to change the resolution in the Remote Desktop App but keep having the same problem for every single display setting. Do you have a workaround or an other app to suggest ?

try anydesk you wont have that issue there

Hello there,

And thanks answering.
I just installed it but currently can't connect : after having entered my IP address, I keep having the same error message - "Network Timeout - The Network connection has timed out".
Do you know where that might come from ?

actually i googled it for you, usually I use ssh to access linux servers,
but there is a tool we used too often which is vnc its little bit hard to configure but you can google it