some questions about seo .


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2016
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hello , how are u ? i have some question about seo please.
i want to start microniches sites and now im just on the first step : choosing the niche .
so i use adword keyword planner .
but im litle confused .
1) many people says that i have to choose low competition keyword , but the competition column on the adword keyword planner is for the advertiser not the publisher .
so what i have to choose low or hight competition ?
2)whats is better and faster to rank , choose only one keyword ? or multiple keywords? ( but i think if all the site target only one keyword it will rank well for that keyword)
3)what are the best criteria to choose the mirconiche ? i found this :
. the search per month must be between 1000 and 40 000 .
. no more than 1.5millions results on google
. hight competition keyword
4) i heared about some softawares building links , how does it work ? and it's really work ?
5) any advice ?
thank u .
First of all, you should probably read a bit more threads on the forum before starting a website. Why?

1) The "competition" you see in Keyword Planner is not SEO competition. It's the competition for paid ads for that keyword. What people mean by "low competition keyword" is it's SEO competition which can be calculated in a lot of ways. Some tools (Keysearch, Ahrefs, Moz, SEMRush, ...) give you a SEO difficulty score for each keyword, calculated in different way for each tool. If you don't know how to determine if the keyword is easy / medium / hard yourself, you will learn in time and for now you can rely on these tools. Don't use it as a definitive "oh this keyword is easy" guide, but rather as a means of comparing different keywords (example: "Keyword1 is harder than Keyword2" or "Keyword1 is MUCH easier than Keyword 2")

2) You should target many keywords always. Usually your best bet when starting out is to target longtail keywords (keywords with 3+ words in it) with low searches. You probably won't be able to rank for shorter terms with more searches but there's a million long-tail keywords with barely any searches and there's always room for you there.

3) Don't think of it that way. First decide what your website is going to be about (macro niche) and then as you're doing keyword research you will find micro niches to target within that macro niche.

4) Oh boy. Please do some more reading. I don't mean to discourage you but by the type of questions you're asking once can assume you need to read more guides / tutorials / whatever.

5) Don't stop reading other guides, be it on BHW or anywhere else.
First of all, you should probably read a bit more threads on the forum before starting a website. Why?

1) The "competition" you see in Keyword Planner is not SEO competition. It's the competition for paid ads for that keyword. What people mean by "low competition keyword" is it's SEO competition which can be calculated in a lot of ways. Some tools (Keysearch, Ahrefs, Moz, SEMRush, ...) give you a SEO difficulty score for each keyword, calculated in different way for each tool. If you don't know how to determine if the keyword is easy / medium / hard yourself, you will learn in time and for now you can rely on these tools. Don't use it as a definitive "oh this keyword is easy" guide, but rather as a means of comparing different keywords (example: "Keyword1 is harder than Keyword2" or "Keyword1 is MUCH easier than Keyword 2")

2) You should target many keywords always. Usually your best bet when starting out is to target longtail keywords (keywords with 3+ words in it) with low searches. You probably won't be able to rank for shorter terms with more searches but there's a million long-tail keywords with barely any searches and there's always room for you there.

3) Don't think of it that way. First decide what your website is going to be about (macro niche) and then as you're doing keyword research you will find micro niches to target within that macro niche.

4) Oh boy. Please do some more reading. I don't mean to discourage you but by the type of questions you're asking once can assume you need to read more guides / tutorials / whatever.

5) Don't stop reading other guides, be it on BHW or anywhere else.
ok thank u so much
sounds good brother cheers

First of all, you should probably read a bit more threads on the forum before starting a website. Why?

1) The "competition" you see in Keyword Planner is not SEO competition. It's the competition for paid ads for that keyword. What people mean by "low competition keyword" is it's SEO competition which can be calculated in a lot of ways. Some tools (Keysearch, Ahrefs, Moz, SEMRush, ...) give you a SEO difficulty score for each keyword, calculated in different way for each tool. If you don't know how to determine if the keyword is easy / medium / hard yourself, you will learn in time and for now you can rely on these tools. Don't use it as a definitive "oh this keyword is easy" guide, but rather as a means of comparing different keywords (example: "Keyword1 is harder than Keyword2" or "Keyword1 is MUCH easier than Keyword 2")

2) You should target many keywords always. Usually your best bet when starting out is to target longtail keywords (keywords with 3+ words in it) with low searches. You probably won't be able to rank for shorter terms with more searches but there's a million long-tail keywords with barely any searches and there's always room for you there.

3) Don't think of it that way. First decide what your website is going to be about (macro niche) and then as you're doing keyword research you will find micro niches to target within that macro niche.

4) Oh boy. Please do some more reading. I don't mean to discourage you but by the type of questions you're asking once can assume you need to read more guides / tutorials / whatever.

5) Don't stop reading other guides, be it on BHW or anywhere else.
hello , how are u ? i have some question about seo please.
i want to start microniches sites and now im just on the first step : choosing the niche .
so i use adword keyword planner .
but im litle confused .
1) many people says that i have to choose low competition keyword , but the competition column on the adword keyword planner is for the advertiser not the publisher .
so what i have to choose low or hight competition ?
2)whats is better and faster to rank , choose only one keyword ? or multiple keywords? ( but i think if all the site target only one keyword it will rank well for that keyword)
3)what are the best criteria to choose the mirconiche ? i found this :
. the search per month must be between 1000 and 40 000 .
. no more than 1.5millions results on google
. hight competition keyword
4) i heared about some softawares building links , how does it work ? and it's really work ?
5) any advice ?
thank u .
Don't build microniche, build niche OR authority niche instead, it's worth your time and money. Regarding keyword research, check PA and bakclink profile of top 10, and you can easifly find that if it make sense to keep working on this niche or not.