SEO sabotage? with new Google algorithm


Junior Member
Jan 14, 2013
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Okay, So I read a few tech blogs yesterday and they were saying Google has changed their algorithm again. Now link wheels will be penalized back links to information that doesn't relate to "your" topic will be penalized, and bad back links will be penalized.

With that being said if Google is really doing their rankings that way, wouldn't it be better to give bad links to sites that are ranked higher than yours? Just a thought because one would think it would be easier to "destroy" a website than to move it up nowadays.

Thoughts? and sorry if this is in the wrong place wasn't really sure where to put it at.
I couldn't find any info on this. Any links, credits, or anything to back this up?
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The problem is, from an algo perspective, relevancy, is well, relative. A women's blog can feature a random music video. ESPN will feature athlete tweets which can be about anything. And so on. Making an algo update which is specifically about slapping down everything does not seem practical.

This may mean spam and junk is less effective. But it is all speculation. I have heard no one report 'My site got de indexed and my back link profile has no relevancy."

Anything can be relevant from a users perspective. Heck, one of my websites is 'Multi Niche' and does feature anything and everything. I can get links from Web MD, ESPN, and Opera's website naturally. They do not really relate but my niche allows for it.

I for one do not see thing happening. This may be, pure speculation from everyone involved, another 'Spam will not work' update.
link wheels after pinguin and panda are always a bad choice.
and bad back links will be penalized
Google is telling bullshit, spreading missinformation and fear in seo niche.
BH links work.

Right now i do neg seo analysis in one big niche for my client. Some douchebag is trying to neg seo few competitors using most spammy links you can find (blog comments, guestbooks spammed to death). Some competitors got hit, others benefit from this neg seo attempt.

I heard it so many times...
Google will find bad backlinks and penalize them.
BH seo is dead.

But i dont see any changes. Seo still work, we are still here.

this appeared in my email last night. so I got worried
Thats what google want. They want your fear because website owners fear = more $$ from adwords.
Seems things have changed a little.. maybe it can be of benefit for all of us who don't have build these links farms and spammed the hell out of our money sites :)
I agree it's dumb. My guess is their trying to hit all new websites/ smaller blogs so the "big boys" can continue to run the game.
With that being said if Google is really doing their rankings that way, wouldn't it be better to give bad links to sites that are ranked higher than yours?

That's called "Negative SEO", a term that probably started on BH forums, I'm not sure...

If you're planning on sabotaging a competitor with spammy backlinks be advised, you probably might help them more than hurt them. I don't think it's a viable option, plus it's uncool.
I haven't heard about this, but I wouldn't count it out. It's Google after all, and they change their algorithm so often.
Put yourself in Google's shoes and find some pros & cons in terms of telling the truth about your algorithm.
Maybe now you understand why everything they say should be tested before being marked as "not working".
Googgle do not know where that is done with the money, and which ones do naturally.

So they just look at doing spam, they see the most characteristic feature in doing people.
And they remove the link