Its not meant as what the cow is, but what it says. Cows say "moo" so the thread is "moo"ved.
The premise of my post was my write up of why rank trackers are as accurate as they can be and most people have a misconception of how SERPs work, and that applies to 100% of rank trackers.
The fact that I use scrapebox and tout it is not biased because I am Not part of the team and I do Not work for them. I am an expert user sure, I love scrapebox sure, when I was broke scrapebox helped me make a lot of money, sure. I didn't want scrapebox to die as a project as so many SEO tools do/did, sure. So I tried donating money, they said no. So I said well hmmm how can I help?
Well I watched and they spent all day answering the same questions in the sales thread, its still here on BHW, go read it, you can see. So I started making videos to save them time so they could develop and everyone wins.
That was 9 years ago and you may think I work for them because I made so many videos, but the truth is that tons of the stuff in scrapebox was added at my request. It was like having my own personal programmer for free, and the license was cheap, why would I not support it in every way possible? They still add features at my request, the most recent update has stuff I asked for, why? Because that still will help me make money.
Its a win win win.
I support scrapebox with videos and posts etc.. and scrapebox wins because they don't have to do that work and answer the same question like a broken record. I win because I get features at my request and I use those to make money. I further win because people see my videos -which will hit 1 million views this year - and then people come to me and there are a select few I wind up working with in 1 capacity or another and so I make more money. Same as anyone else putting out content.
The last win is the community, people get help they need, which makes me feel good. People tell me all the time they appreciate what I do, its nice.
But then because of it they tell their friends and their friends by scrapebox and people buy plugins, which takes us back to the first win, where Scrapebox makes money and they win.
So its a perfect circle.
So being an avid user doesn't make me bias, if anything it lets me give an accurate opinion because I have tested the software to death. Trust me, when there is new beta stuff, they give it to me and I try and break it, which is good for everyone.
At any rate, everyone else in this thread says the same thing and I was most posting to give the link, but since we are here, there you go.
Lastly on the notes of ips, with the google october 2017 update where google displays results from the country that the ip is from not from the google you put in, thats important.
That means if you have a France IP and you put in to check your going to get results from not Or thats how it works in a browser.
The rank tracker in scrapebox found a way to get around that so you get what you put in.
However as noted above, getting some good ips or at least 1 proxy/ip from the geographic location that you want to rank track for is going to be ideal.
You can typically use a 60 delay and stop at 100 results and use 100 results and connections at 1 and then use 1 ip and rank track a good bit of keywords daily without having to worry about ip bans.
I do not rank track 5000 keywords daily like
@Scritty does, but even 20 proxies, I mean you can get that for $20 give or take, (probably shared proxies are fine, probably dont' need dedicated, but maybe, you can try. I use shared) is way less then the $147 he talks about.
But yes ips from the geo local you want to rank track is the most ideal way to go about it.