Ranking is Dead in Google


Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
Is ranking really dead? I was watching a video from Bruce Clay. talking about how Google is building the Serps based on user experience. The results are based on your location, browsing/searching habits and much more. What that means is if 50 of us search for the term "Blue Widget" We could possibly all get 50 different top 10 rankings based on the new way Google is creating your results. He claims that there are over 200 new changes Google is going to implement.

What will this mean for us doing SEO/SEM? What will we need to change in order to meet the needs of our clients and our sites?

I know it must be all about analytics, ROI, Bounce rate etc....

I guess I should toss out ranking manager?

I would love to hear your feed back on this.


Any chance you could get a link to that video? I would be interested in seeing that.
Google loves to change things at the drop of a hat and it's good to keep abreast
of things.
I dont think we would get an all together different 10 results. Maybe slightly jumbled with the odd red herring among them.

I had my girlfriend sit right next to me with her laptop. We did exactly the same search term, and we had only slightly different results. As in 1, 2, 3 were in a different order.

However by the next day everything had been set out straight.
Could this be the death of MFA sites? Google is ultimately aiming for a quality user experience so sites that force users to click off via ads could well be punished.
Posted via Mobile Device
From What I know so far this has not been compleatly pushed out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhodb-Mx4bM <-- Bruce Clays Interview

Now here is Matt Cutts from Google replying saying that Ranking is not as important now.
HE is pointing to analytics.

We were testing this in the office today. Searched for "New Cinema" and three of us got different .

Matt is saying that in 2009 it is all about Marketing. Building Buzz. Mentioned making videos and Content.

Still leading to social media trending. They are still pushing twords good content not spam. Video sitemaps is is big deal too.

He aslo mentioned that Black Hat SEO was getting more malicious. He was saying White hat was long term.

Sub domains are no longer an advantage too.
Hate Google! LOL
I want to really focus myself on analytics.
Google is changing a lot of things these days..google wave..new orkut..and now this..looks like they are on a spree!! this is good from user point of view..but not from seo experts
Who gives a shit what google does?Do your bh job and forget about spending a minute more on what google wants and does,i get diarrhea when i hear Big G this -Big G that who the fu.k is this Google -almighty maybe?
I wonder how this will affect current sites that rank first for specific keywords...
google is god in the world of internets.. :thefinger
damm just when I was reading all these free downloads and learning and bammmm upside my head.. more video, a little flash...
Yea. well it affects me in a few ways. Putting my white hat on for a sec. Dealing with Clients They want to know were do they rank for their keywords. I am choking on this right now honestly. Black hat on "not used for clients" I could care less. I buy traffic and beg borrow and steel. Well I don't steel. It does affect us all though/ Black or White hat alike.
That mean,more and more peoples will go for adwords.
Nothing is dead and ever will not be. Listen, people will always find ways to promote things. Also if google would introduce such system as stated that they will take user experience and etc into consideration, then you could just build a botnet, which would do searches around google and click your links etc so that you would get the top spot.

Also, google cant really avoid new sites, because for example, some time ago there was no sites about swine flu. So how would people find info about swine flu in the first place if google wont display sites that have info about it. This means that you still are able to get to at least first place. The only way would be that google has a inside program in each pc which remembers webpage inner pages that people visit often and then rank them high.

For example your 5000 subscribers visit some article on your page and google will then rank it high in SE. What ever happens the game will go on...
whatever big G does there will always be ways for BH'ers to find loopholes to take advantage of and gain an edge over the competition
This is not new news. Google has been emphasizing more geo specific searches for a while now, and they are putting much more of an emphasis on it. To me this just opens a whole new aspect of SEO I can make money with.

Internet marketing is all about adapting. If you can't adapt, go get a job at Walmart.
@ jstover77 -- I like your attitude! I am really new to black hatting. is there a good place for me to get started? Sorta overwhelmed and want to start off right.
Google is always changing, and this change with Google is nothing new. They have been talking about for awhile now, and have been rolling out the changes behind the scenes so that the vast majority of its users won't even notice.

For example, Google Caffeine. This has been out for quite awhile. Nothing new about it. Only new to those who are not paying attention to Google and what they are doing.

Google will always change things, and when they do, you have 2 choices:

1. Adapt and make money
2. Cry about it and get nowhere

If you're a true marketer, any Google change should not really be anything bad since you are ready to adapt to anything.

As far as ranking being dead, this is just hype. I will say that Google is all about their users experience. They are know for giving the best results out of all the SEs, and I'm sure they have no plan to give that up.

Having more quality content and being user-friendly on your landing pages is a must. It does seem to play a bigger part in the overall rankings of sites.
@ jstover77 -- I like your attitude! I am really new to black hatting. is there a good place for me to get started? Sorta overwhelmed and want to start off right.

If it is any inspiration to you, 2 years ago I was mowing lawns for $12 an hour. Now I make a very good living online. Didn't come over night, but it was more about dedication, and hard work than anything.

You can't learn all this shit overnight. The best advice I can give is, pick one aspect of marketing, and learn it, and learn it well. Once you feel that you have a good grasp on it, move on to another aspect. Once you have a foundation, build off of it. Too many people get all wound up in a million things, and that is just a recipe for disaster.

I deal with so many people who are simply overwhelmed by the massive amount of information there is about marketing online, but really when it boils down to it, most of this stuff is pretty basic.

As far as learning, there this forum is a great place to start. Lots of very intelligent savy marketers here. You might also like the WF forum. Very white hat but also a very good forum.
I can't see a difference personally, my sites are still at the top.
Edit: except for one keyword domain, not happy.
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