PayPal money origin justification


Dec 16, 2019
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Hello people,

Recently I got perma limited and my money is held for 180 days. Thing is, guy who sent me money has to justify why did he sent it. It was bigger amount ~5k. What should he tell to PayPal? Since we don't have any material proof that I sold him something or did some service?
I have same problem ATM and I heard about people who know how to solve that. Do anyone here know something about that.... I'm new here so hello guys!
Bank-wire is $20 for all amounts. So it will be 0.4% fee to transfer $5000 via bank-wire
Provide PayPal with some proof of work, screenshots, deliverable reports, email or skype convo threads etc.

The reason they limited your account is because Paypal has had an issue with money laundering and thus from time to time they flag accounts that receive unusual one time large payments.

Once you verify your income and proof of service once with them they normally will leave you alone.

Best of luck!