This is a pipe dream dude. The first thing you wanna do when a newbie registers is make them feel welcome and like they're "part of a community".
You don't wanna segregate them to the extent where many wind up leaving, traffic will drop and so will profits. And to be honest, BHW already segregates the shit out of noobs. This was one of the most unwelcoming forums I ever joined when I was new. And I did NOT feel welcome or like I was part of any community.
First, there were the rules ALREADY in place which I absolutely despised.
I couldn't post a link to anything. In fact, 50% of all the posts I wrote I couldn't even post cause BHW's moderation system would block them. And whats worse was I wasn't doing anything other than writing long posts. There were no links in them, no cursing, the moderation system just kept tripping cause my posts were so damn long. I'd spend 30 minutes sometimes an hour just reading through a post I was trying to make to figure out why it wasn't posting. And till this day I still don't know why so many posts weren't going through.
That frustrated me A LOT. When you have something important to say, need help, then the mod system pops up and basically says "eat shit noob, all that shit you just poured your heart into writing... take it somewhere else". So I went back to hanging out at Warrior Forum and told myself, "eff BHW".
Then of course the moderation system went away and now I hate WaFo and love this place.
But you really need to understand how restrictive things already are. The automatic moderation system on here can drive a person crazy. It says not to post links but it doesn't say, "you can't post more than 300 words". And I got the idea this is programmed into the system cause if I made a post like this when I was new, it would 100% be blocked. Even if I removed the word "shit" it would be blocked. Even if there were no links it would be blocked. It's almost like the system was forcing me to make short posts. Not sure why but if you look at my earliest posts you'll notice they are all short as hell. Then the day the mod system went away they all look like this.