Mix keywords on Youtube, better results.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score

On Youtube :

If I find 2 good diferent keywords related to the same niche, is it good to put them into the same title ?
Or is it better to make 2 different videos with each keyword ?

Like :

I find the 2 keywords (imaginary keywords) :
"muscle building secrets" and "best stretches" :

I make a title like : "Muscle building and best stretches secrets !"

Do you think it will bring guys who search for "muscle building secrets" and guys who search for "best stretches" or
do you think it is better to make 2 different vids with each keyword ?

Thanks !

You can use the same video BUT make the video...

1. different format types
2. different lengths!
3. Place in diff accounts

Make one shorter (by a few seconds).

This use to work well BUT YouTube does transcribe now BUT IT SUCKS!
I would do 3 separate videos and additional keywords on the description.
Sorry for the late reply, I hasn't been notified by email as I asked, weird.. whatever...

Hi Kevindasilva :D. In fact I use Animoto and yes, as you say, I make different videos,
actually Animoto does ot for me, also I change a little the text, I only put music, no so talking,
so I guess Youtube can't transcribe it as the same video (if I upload it on different accounts, from different IP's), what do you think ?

Arbydee2 hi ;) , and Kevindasilva, just let's take my example above for only one single video.

Let's imagine the first longtail keyword "Muscle building" brings me about 1000 visitors per day and the second "best stretches" brings me 500 : if I make the title like this :

"Muscle building and best stretches secrets !", in the good order (and in the desc and tags),
do you think it will bring be about 100+500 = 1500 visitors ?

Thanks ! ;)