[METHOD] DA 78 Free Do-Follow Backlink


Registered Member
Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score
Okay so since there are so many great people and shares here I thought it was my time to contribute.

The do-follow link is from the website: https://gust(dot)com/ and is DA78 according to Ahrefs.

How to get it:

1. Go to Gust and sign up as a Startup
2. Fill out all the information regarding your "company"
3. When all information is filled and you have insterted the URL to your website navigate in the top right corner to "Account Settings"
4. Click on "Manage Companies" and Publish your company and Voila your link is now live and can be indexed with a do-follow rel.

In order to index the link there are multiple good solutions, but do your own preferred method.

Feel free to reach out if you have any trouble.
Gives a do follow. Juicy.
You gotta add a ton of info.
This step will not go through unless you add a ton of info --> 4. Click on "Manage Companies" and Publish your company and Voila your link is now live and can be indexed with a do-follow rel.
Gives a do follow. Juicy.
You gotta add a ton of info.
This step will not go through unless you add a ton of info --> 4. Click on "Manage Companies" and Publish your company and Voila your link is now live and can be indexed with a do-follow rel.
Yeah you are right, but compared to how strong the domain is I definitely think it is worth the time.
Hey, thanks a lot. I'll keep it in mind for my niche site.
can you elaborate please on how you found it? maybe ill look and hopefully find more for us...
Thank you.
Hi guys, any one could help please, i filled all informations and everything but didn’t ask me to put my website link in any place during the process, and when i finished at the top right corner there’s no ‘’ manage company’’ !!!
Please help i feel i wasted time
Hi guys, any one could help please, i filled all informations and everything but didn’t ask me to put my website link in any place during the process, and when i finished at the top right corner there’s no ‘’ manage company’’ !!!
Please help i feel i wasted time

From the dashboard, there should be a link just under the header that says Company Profile. Click that link then click the little pencil icon that appears when you hover over where the company's avatar would go. You can enter your website there. After that, you can click on Account Settings in the upper right corner, then Manage Companies, and there you will see the link to publish your company profile.
It amazes me that anyone that calls themselves an SEO thinks these types of links are worth anything. Like seriously, with everything we know about how Google has changed their algorithm over the last and years, how we have seen them adjust to fight link spam, it's quite clear that relevance means much more than DA. A link like this that is not relevant to your niche at all will do nothing for your SEO other than show Google that you will build any link you can, regardless of if it is relevant or not, A.K.A. willing to link spam. Basically, you are just putting a target on your back by building a link like this.
It amazes me that anyone that calls themselves an SEO thinks these types of links are worth anything. Like seriously, with everything we know about how Google has changed their algorithm over the last and years, how we have seen them adjust to fight link spam, it's quite clear that relevance means much more than DA. A link like this that is not relevant to your niche at all will do nothing for your SEO other than show Google that you will build any link you can, regardless of if it is relevant or not, A.K.A. willing to link spam. Basically, you are just putting a target on your back by building a link like this.
If you are within Business & Finance this link is quite valuable. It is a site for startups and legit companies. Meaning Google view these companies & websites as upcoming businesses. It's all about the right framing and making it relevant yourself.
@RStar66 as a newbie on the site and looking at your previous posts, you seem really negative bro.

Yeah we get that this doesn't necessarily bring in any referral traffic but it can help get your ranking up. Don't put a target on your own back if you don't want to - not everyone uses this method, but it IS BLACKHAT world afterall. Sure i think it's great to let people know the risk, but don't just leave it at that - provide your better solution so others in this BHW community can also learn. :)
@RStar66 as a newbie on the site and looking at your previous posts, you seem really negative bro.

Yeah we get that this doesn't necessarily bring in any referral traffic but it can help get your ranking up. Don't put a target on your own back if you don't want to - not everyone uses this method, but it IS BLACKHAT world afterall. Sure i think it's great to let people know the risk, but don't just leave it at that - provide your better solution so others in this BHW community can also learn. :)

Firstly, "BLACKHAT" doesn't mean that it doesn't work. But in this particular case, I can tell you right now that a link from that site will 99.99% of the time not help your rankings in any way. Unless you actually are the founder of a startup. But if you are for instance in the CBD affiliate space and are trying to gain rankings for your CBD affiliate site, then this link will not help you at all. Not even in the slightest. In fact, a link from Linkedin is worth the same as a link from this Gust site.

Quite literally, if anyone can build a link (literally anyone) then that link is probably pretty worthless (or worth as much as a link in a tweet or posting a link on Facebook) from Google's perspective and also from an SEO "increasing your rankings" perspective.

It's not negative to say this. It's true.
A free link is always good . I updated all info required even phone no , yet it pops up "profile needs more info" and wont publish , will try again tomorrow