Megabot Question


Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
Our Instagram has helped build our main source of income; losing it would be the catalyst to my being homeless...:sad:

I've been thinking of using the Megabot program to increase the reach of potential followers/customers, but we have a real and serious fear of losing everything if we get caught and banned by Instagram. Up until now, we have been finding, liking and commenting on relevant accounts via Iconosquare manually. It has worked thus far, at the beginning I would get those 24 hour 'suspensions', now that I've gotten a rhythm that doesn't seem to flag our account I have been steadily growing the account this way.

It's gotten more than a bit tedious and we would like to move over to a less primitive way of growing our IG. I was hoping you all wouldn't mind sharing your expertise in regards to how my using Megabot to comment/like once per minute might call attention to our account. Is this a good/safe way to ease our way into using this program. Along with being safe we also want to get the highest/best possible outcome without also underusing the program. Any and all recommendations would be appreciated, I want to get this established correctly from the beginning, like I said IG is how we have grown our online business and losing it and/or having to start over would be disastrous.

Thanks for your time and advice. :D
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From experience. You really need to style your block of words or you won't get a lot of responses.
As I know, Megabot is good one.
Contact to tompots he is the owner, ask him all about it.
That is what I meant. Much easier to read now.

How old is the acc? If it's a few years since you created it, it's pretty hard to get it ban since it has been 'aged'. Don't take this the wrong way, but you really should go through the IG forum and read up on using a bot. Asking for a quick tips and settings will surely get your acc ban since we all will give you settings that is working for us. It may not with you.

By going through the threads, you will get your questions answered and more. There are two great public bots on bhw most members will suggest. Mega bot and Follow liker. Before settling for one, think in terms of longevity and buy the one that will give you the run for the money. While both work just the same, FL is better to manage if you plan to use multiple accs.
in regards to how my using Megabot to comment/like once per minute might call attention to our account. Is this a good/safe way to ease our way into using this program.

In regards to this question, I use 40-70+ sec delays with likes and 80-120+ sec delays for comments.

This changes on a daily basis to prevent IG from noticing I'm using a bot and this allows me to spread my likes and comments throughout a 24 hour period.
In regards to this question, I use 40-70+ sec delays with likes and 80-120+ sec delays for comments.

This changes on a daily basis to prevent IG from noticing I'm using a bot and this allows me to spread my likes and comments throughout a 24 hour period.

That's what I'm aiming for, not being noticed by IG. I'm not in a rush for maximum without detection, I can do slow and steady and have it grow slowly. My account is just shy of 2 years old. I've not had any problems thus far and want to stay under the radar, while expanding my reach. I only have this one account, tried the sub-account to direct followers to the main one but it didn't go too well. I really don't want to over-step and wind up banned. Thanks for your help.