You can earn very serious money online, it just is not as easy as "Read my shitty ebook ....... £17,862 a day." However, the money you can earn for an uneducated person, with not many skills in life, but determination. Then it is the best way to make big money. Personally I think it is all about thought process.
I'm not particularly the most educated person. I make my money promoting casinos, bookies, binary options, forex. More so casinos / bookies. I can do this because.
a) I can rank a website.
b) Being a ex gambler I know what gamblers want and look for.
c) I have so much data from casinos now (what converts / what does not) it is a lot easier to set up ad campaigns based on the data (conversion rates)
I doubt there is any quick way into IM, unless you are really lucky. But if you are that lucky, best off just putting the lottery on and saving all the time.