Looking for a DMCA Ignored Storage VPS (1TB, Offshore)


Jun 17, 2017
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Hi all,

Looking for a storage VPS to host music downloads. Must be an offshore host that deletes/ignores DMCA reports. This is a MUST. Our server WILL be getting real complaints from record labels.


-budget: $20-25/month (or less, obviously)

-storage: 1TB or greater (if you find any like 750-1TB ones, you may include these as well)

-a lot or unlimited of bandwidth, enough for many downloads per day

**Other notes: **I have already looked at BuyVM. Although their service is excellent, their storage VPS for 1TB is too pricey. I'm looking for more along the lines of HostHatch - except HostHatch is not a DMCA ignored host.

Thank you!
Your budget is way 2 low even for the bunker datacenter.
Really? Why do I find this then? hostsolutions.ro/eng/hosting/cheap-storage-vps
Because they also have copyright issues

No, HostSolutions.ro ignore DMCA complaints. They don't have copyright issues, go learn AUP.

OP is hard to find cheap storage VPS with your budget. That is not easy.
No, HostSolutions.ro ignore DMCA complaints. They don't have copyright issues, go learn AUP.

OP is hard to find cheap storage VPS with your budget. That is not easy.

They have German Policy , got it through AUP

And i wanted a visible DMCA ignored Plan