is having two categories in a blog OK?

Jan 2, 2019
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i started thinking about the categories, but i could'nt help to come with either 2 or too many (like 4 or 5 or something) so these two categories are like the biggest/main topics that i will write about. and i will create a blog for each category every week.
just spy on competitors what other categories they have, but i can't see why 2 categories won't work either.
Categories help to keep your content organized. There's no minimum and maximum. Depends on your niche
There are no such things that mention or states that you can't do this, so you can surely try however it depends on you how effectively you manage the quality of content in both the categories.
From what I know, the categories will just help with, obviously, getting the content more easily noticed.
Secondly, if a link is featured on the top page, it should let search engines know of its importance to the site.
That being said, I think 2 categories is fine provided it showcases all you like to feature.
It's fine. You should probably do categories that are related.

For instance, don't have a gambling category and a rock climbing category.
It's totally alright. An example of this would be the Hubspot - you can see how they've organized their content into several categories.
You should be fine. It’s your site and business thus you can do edits whenever you want.
It would fine to have two or more categories, as long as it's related. But avoid having categories depend on keywords because it's annoying for your user

For example
Health (Main category)
--- Woman Health (sub cat)
------ Breast Healh (specific cat)
--- Man Health
------ xxx Health

Let say you have content about breast cancer, so you can use Main category, sub cat and also specific cat. But if you have general content (for everyone) you can use Main category. Avoid creating categories using keyword such as "How to avoid xxxx cancer" <-- this is not good
i would like to the catagory mate. if you can use Good Content thats fine