Instagram Hoverboard giveaway


Registered Member
Jun 4, 2015
Reaction score
Hey guys! I'm starting off an account for Instagram, but it only has 100 followers atm. (Just started today). I was planning on doing a giveaway when I reach 10k and give away a hoverboard because we actually have a few extras that no one uses and I figured this might help me get more followers. I could sell it, but idk I kinda wanna give it away. My account is millionare lifestyle themed. (For example, Cars, watches, Yachts, etc). I thought it was a good niche because I could post ways to make money and help gain more traffic to blogs. What do you guys think about giveaways? Will it help me gain more followers in a shorter amount of time?
Giveaways are cool but make sure they last some time, i.e 40+ days, the people will have enough time to share a lot. I did a giveaway on a fb page of mine in august and the giveaway winner announcement was on november, the post itself got 12759 likes and 7598 shares. it helped the page to gain around 12k+ likes.

a hoverboard is a trend and I think people will engage fast sharing your contest.
As shottem stated above it would be good if you give them time to share and invite their followers to your contest, if your main goal is to get followers in a short period of time then the answer would be yes, but in my opinion those new followers will follow/like your posts until the giveaway is over, if they aren't really interested in your topic/niche they might end unfollowing you right after unless you keep them interested, give it a try and let us know how it went for you.:D
THing is with hoverboards it's overused.. people might take it as spam etc
Giveaways are cool, but most people don't bother unless you really catch their attention, they will usually just think it's fake or they have no chance of winning so don't even try, etc.
Make it somehow unique and fun for people to enter the giveaway and maybe you'll see some good results
Definitely can't hurt :) Go for it and let us know how you do
Giveaways are cool, but most people don't bother unless you really catch their attention, they will usually just think it's fake or they have no chance of winning so don't even try, etc.
Make it somehow unique and fun for people to enter the giveaway and maybe you'll see some good results

thank you for your help. do you have any ideas?
maybe make a video instead of just a picture of the giveaway and post in on week one and then make a oicture and post it on week two videos seem more trustable that you actually have what you are giving away and you are a real person otherwise people subconciously think that it wold just be a scam
the way they do it is they giveaway many hoverboards (fake) and they use a lot of fake accounts to comment.. like "i cant believe it, its real, i got it today" etc. its obviously short term, cash in on surveys.

if you are doing long term for followers with a real giveaway, i think the item has to match your niche. otherwise, you will just gain more ghost followers, which is not different from buying followers.

i heard that shipping a hoverboard is going to cost some $30 or more. its some additional investment.
the way they do it is they giveaway many hoverboards (fake) and they use a lot of fake accounts to comment.. like "i cant believe it, its real, i got it today" etc. its obviously short term, cash in on surveys.

if you are doing long term for followers with a real giveaway, i think the item has to match your niche. otherwise, you will just gain more ghost followers, which is not different from buying followers.

i heard that shipping a hoverboard is going to cost some $30 or more. its some additional investment.
True, and you know what's the worst? People tend to share those where they claim to give one item to EVERYONE but ignore the genuine ones where there is a chance to win one. Oh lord... humanity... I need to stop...
post videos and proof that it is real
then you can tell them to accomplish a list of things such as follow you,like posts,tag friends etc