Instagram account questions


Regular Member
Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
Hello, I am new to this and I have few questions for seniors in this business. I have 4 accounts signed-in on my android phone so my question is:
1) How many accounts is safe to use on single device
2) How to use proxy
3) Can I use more than 5+ accounts on my device if I register that accounts on ANOTHER devices (example: I ask my friends to create 1 ig acc for me and then I sign-in on that accounts using my device)
1) 5 Accounts
2) Proxy is needed for bots ( 3 accounts per proxy max )
3) No, Don't open more than 5 accounts on the same device.
1) 5 Accounts
2) Proxy is needed for bots ( 3 accounts per proxy max )
3) No, Don't open more than 5 accounts on the same device.
I'm using instagress for 4 my accounts. So I need proxy or what? I don't understand this, what do you mean by saying "bot"?
Mass planner
All these are bots
Who do your instagram work automatically as per your both settings
I'm using instagress for 4 my accounts. So I need proxy or what? I don't understand this, what do you mean by saying "bot"?

No, you don't need proxy if you're using Instagress as it is on Cloud but you'll need proxy if you're going to use Massplanner.
Things like MP would be beneficial to you in the IG game. I, myself, did not exceed 3 (sometimes) 4 accounts per any IP or device and I was safe from bans and the accounts being connected. Another thing, try to keep your niches IP/Device separated.