How to Anonymously purchase domains from auctions


Regular Member
May 3, 2021
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Hi BHW, does anyone have experience with purchasing domains/hosting anonymously?
Looking to not connect my name, paypal, cc, etc to any purchases.
I get I can buy VCC or fake paypal, but the investment is high.
Is it possible somehow to purchase with BTC or something? I have been always doing VCC but I want to change.. Thanks
Yes, there are many providers with BTC. I've even seen Namesilo to offer Bitcoin payments.
Just be sure to have an adequate contact email otherwise, due to a DMCA claim you could lose your domain if you don't have the contact on time
You can input though, any data in the name and that
Purchasing domains with crypto is not really that much of a problem, as @SirLouen already mentioned.

However, in your title you are asking for auction domains, where it won't be possible.

Basically there are 3 bigger auction sites. Godaddy, Namejet and Dropcatch. I am not aware of any accepting payments with crypto, but make sure to check in case I am wrong.

When it comes to smaller auctions, well, you might be waiting a couple years there until something usable appears. Supply there is minimal and I really doubt those accept crypto.
If you're investing in good auction domains, a stealth Paypal should be a minor investment/price if you really want to keep your anonymously,
You can get a fully working one for around $60-80 ($20 VBA/VCC, $40-60 for the necessary docs)
If you're investing in good auction domains, a stealth Paypal should be a minor investment/price if you really want to keep your anonymously,
You can get a fully working one for around $60-80 ($20 VBA/VCC, $40-60 for the necessary docs)
Okay, thanks. If the paypal was ever banned, would that have an effect on the domain? Besides possibly missing the next payment..
Okay, thanks. If the paypal was ever banned, would that have an effect on the domain? Besides possibly missing the next payment..
No, as long as you paid for the domain, it has nothing to do with Paypal and it should keep working,
A fully verified PayPal shouldn't get banned without any reason & in your case, it will possibly & only be limited which you can solve by resending the initial docs again,
If you want to get one, post in the WTB section, there are a couple of sellers that do provide the necessary docs here
No, as long as you paid for the domain, it has nothing to do with Paypal and it should keep working,
A fully verified PayPal shouldn't get banned without any reason & in your case, it will possibly & only be limited which you can solve by resending the initial docs again,
If you want to get one, post in the WTB section, there are a couple of sellers that do provide the necessary docs here
Thanks for info man. Much appreciated
You can buy domains with cryptocurrency from Porkbun. I'm using these domains since 2 years without any issues. They have a Marketplace if you want to buy expired/premium domains.
You could probably buy with a virtual card and use fake name if you want to I suspect would work.

You could buy the Auction domain of someone who sells outside of say mainstream auctions sites then buy anonymous that sort of way.