Hello everyone, i currently have an educational website that contains facts about general knowledge and study materials for several fields of science. It currently has an average daily visitor of 30-40k but it's been rising steadily in the last 2 months from about 15k visitors daily due to me cranking out content daily and building backlinks regularly. So, in about 3-4 months i predict it will reach 100k visitors a day which is quite monumental for a part time blogger like me. It peaks during school hours (mon-fri 08 AM - 15.30 PM in Indonesia) and takes a nosedive during weekends.
I'm currently on Cloudways $10 servers but it's really slow for mobile due to using Ezoic, the load times are 9-10 secs while the desktop loading is 2-3 secs. Mind you, this is the load time with ads, without ads in GTmetrix it takes about 2-3 secs for the mobile version to load and even faster for desktop. Most of the load time is comprised of script evaluation JS Execution. The web pages are 1-2mb in size usually, i put a lot of images in every post but currently using WP Rocket and reSmush.it to improve web loading speed.
The question is, do you guys have any recommendations on what servers and what specifications i should take to handle 100-200k visitors daily for the next couple of years? i'll probably buy a VPS or cloud server and will ask a friend to migrate my web and set up the server because i'm not tech savvy enough. What VPS specifications should i buy? I'm asking around and hopefully will be able to conclude the best choice for my fledgling website.
P.s My blog is in Indonesia, it has low CPM's so hiring people to handle tech problems is still a no-no. And would prefer asian based VPS-es such as ones in Singapore (or maybe HK/AUS?)
I'm currently on Cloudways $10 servers but it's really slow for mobile due to using Ezoic, the load times are 9-10 secs while the desktop loading is 2-3 secs. Mind you, this is the load time with ads, without ads in GTmetrix it takes about 2-3 secs for the mobile version to load and even faster for desktop. Most of the load time is comprised of script evaluation JS Execution. The web pages are 1-2mb in size usually, i put a lot of images in every post but currently using WP Rocket and reSmush.it to improve web loading speed.
The question is, do you guys have any recommendations on what servers and what specifications i should take to handle 100-200k visitors daily for the next couple of years? i'll probably buy a VPS or cloud server and will ask a friend to migrate my web and set up the server because i'm not tech savvy enough. What VPS specifications should i buy? I'm asking around and hopefully will be able to conclude the best choice for my fledgling website.
P.s My blog is in Indonesia, it has low CPM's so hiring people to handle tech problems is still a no-no. And would prefer asian based VPS-es such as ones in Singapore (or maybe HK/AUS?)