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Help-How to know your device is infected with viruses??


Junior Member
Nov 9, 2020
Reaction score
Is there any guide about Advanced virus scan for device?
When we download files(movie from torrent, pdfs)it can be infected .
Or there can be silent miner in device.
How do you guys detect thoses viruses.
(Except antivirus)
Don´t live on the edge, boring life .. =) .. But your right, this method has worked well for the past 25 years on Internet for me to .. =)
The last time I downloaded shady stuff, I regret it instantly.
About 8 or so years ago, I downloaded a Photoshop crack from YouTube.
After opening the file, my laptop froze and circus music blasted out of my laptop at the highest volume.

Luckily, my laptop still worked after a reboot and nothing else happened.

Lesson learned.
Lesson learned.
Aahh.. Those where the days, young and stupid, living on the edge .. ,-) .. Zip-CD´s with warez was the shit to sell back in the days .. poor Internet connections made it sell fast for about $65 per cd, burnt in 1X speeds .. on a 486 DX4-100, Pentium was to bloody expensive .. =)
Well i got the solution- dont download shady content!!

Thanks all of you.
With a carefully crafted virus, it is hard to know. Virus scan won't do much if the program is undetectable (virus scan works for already known virus signature, not for a custom one / a zero day one).

The only real way I know of, is to configure a proxy server (for example with fiddler), route all requests through that proxy server and see all the requests getting sent. That might reveal what your machine is actually doing.
i like to use simplewall [windows software]. gives you a prompt anytime program tries to access internet. you can then deny/allow it.

if you want to detect if you have a silent miner, looking at your system resources tab. if its running high when you;re idle, take an investigative look at what process is hogging the resource.
first of all viruses these days are VERY rare to spread. what you most likely get is a trojan or worm.
if its something public, most anti virus will detect it (if the malware isnt blocking it).
if its something private things are harder as many AV's wont find it.
you could use remote scanning services like https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/forHome/products/housecall.html
your system will be more slow he will take very long for the page to upload you will see is not working as he should be normaly
sorry my computer shoot down use antivirus also always scan stuff you download to make sure they not infect
If your computer doesn't bark or meow, you're good to go!
the best antivirus is common sense, if you're already infected try malwarebytes & bitdefender. Personally, I have McAfee total protection & routinely scan with malwarebytes just to be sure. Better to have a 2nd opinion scanner afterall.
malwarebytes are really good, do a run with that and also scan with some other anti virus program