[Give Away] Amazon Buyer Keywords 2.0


Power Member
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Some of you may remember my previous thread where I personally used our Zon Sidekick keyword suggester to provide you with valuable buyer keywords in the category of your choice. This was a really popular offer and I'm glad I could help a bunch of you guys out. As you can imagine, doing this manually took a bit of time and I needed to limit the offer as a result.

Well today I'm happy to announce that we've made this particular tool free for you to use as often as you'd like.

Here's the link, there's no signup required.

My reasoning is simple, Zon Sidekick caters to Kindle publishers and the Keyword Suggester is a very valuable part of our keyword research process. That said, the Keyword Suggester is not limited to the Kindle book store and those of you who sell anything on Amazon could really benefit from this.

There are a few small differences between this free version and the one found inside Zon Sidekick. First, we're using a queue system to prevent stress on our servers so that paying customers are not negatively impacted by this offer. Second, the ability to drop a full list of seed keywords in one search is not available here for the same reason. Outside of that, it's the same valuable information here for you to grab whenever you'd like.

I wouldn't be where I am today without this website and because of that I'm happy to give back.

Have any suggestions, questions, comments? I'd love to hear them right here and if you feel kind enough to provide some feedback then perhaps you'll help make the tool better for everyone.

Thanks guys, enjoy!
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Thanks for the great tool!

My pleasure, FisnikS.

I see that a handful of you guys have started using this and that's great. For those of you who aren't quite sure what's happening here I'm going to quote my original thread to save you the trouble:


If you sell products on Amazon or WANT to sell products on Amazon then pay attention because this offer is as good as free money.

Amazon provides keyword suggestions to their shoppers, similar to the way Google does this when you begin typing a phrase in their engine. These keywords are qualified for display based on their search volume and conversion rates. Here's an example:

Entering the phrase "lose weight" in Amazon's product search bar will return results such as:

"lose weight fast"
"lose weight belt"
"lose weight tea"

This may be expanded upon by entering "lose weight a" "lose weight b" and so on to return even more results. Zon Sidekick subscribers have access to a utility that gathers all keyword suggestions via multiple methods to ensure the most complete list possible. Part of this method involves grabbing all of those suggestions for "lose weight a, b, c, etc" followed by a repeat search on all of those long tail variants in a similar fashion.

The end result is an AWESOME list of keywords that shoppers are actually using to find products and buying products after that search. This is exactly where you want to be when selling products. Now, I realize many of you have extremely tight budgets so I've decided to offer a 100% free service to the community.

Here's a list of keywords pulled for "lose weight" in all categories

[COLOR=#FFFFCC]lose baby weightlose baby weight in 28 days[/COLOR]
lose the wheat lose the weight
lose the wheat lose the weight cookbook
lose weight
lose weight after 60
lose weight after pregnancy
lose weight and cellulite
lose weight and gain muscle
lose weight and keep it off
lose weight and save money
lose weight anytime
lose weight apps
lose weight arm
lose weight belt
lose weight belt for women
lose weight belt men
lose weight body wraps
lose weight books
lose weight bracelet
lose weight breastfeeding
lose weight by eating
lose weight by eating more
lose weight by walking
lose weight cd
lose weight cds
lose weight clothes
lose weight coffee
lose weight coffee slim
lose weight coffee water tea face book
lose weight cookbook
lose weight cream
lose weight cycling
lose weight diet
lose weight dr oz
lose weight drink
lose weight drops
lose weight dvd
lose weight easily
lose weight equipment
lose weight exercise
lose weight fast
lose weight fast ace
lose weight fast diet
lose weight fast diet journal
lose weight fast dvd
lose weight fast for teenagers
lose weight fast for women
lose weight fast journal
lose weight fast men
lose weight fast pills
lose weight food
lose weight for dummies
lose weight for kids
lose weight for men
lose weight gain money
lose weight gain muscle
lose weight get healthy and be happy
lose weight get laid find god
lose weight gnc
lose weight green tea
lose weight gummy
lose weight have more energy & be happier in 10 days
lose weight hypnosis
lose weight in 2 weeks
lose weight in 20 days
lose weight in 30 days
lose weight in a week
lose weight in stomach
lose weight in the arm
lose weight injections
lose weight journal
lose weight juice
lose weight juicing
lose weight kit
lose weight live healthy
lose weight lotion
lose weight machine
lose weight massager
lose weight men
lose weight mp3
lose weight naturally
lose weight naturally fast
lose weight naturally recipes
lose weight no stimulant
lose weight now
lose weight now glenn harrold
lose weight now through hypnosis
lose weight oil
lose weight on hips
lose weight over 50
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lose weight pants
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lose weight supplies
lose weight tea
lose weight the gerson way
lose weight the smart low-carb way
lose weight thyroid
lose weight tool
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lose weight using four easy steps
lose weight vegan
lose weight vegetarian
lose weight vest
lose weight video
lose weight while breastfeeding
lose weight while you sleep
lose weight with apple vinegar
lose weight with belviq
lose weight with jillian michaels 3 level pack
lose weight without dieting
lose weight without dieting or working out
lose weight without exercise
lose weight without working out
lose weight wrap [COLOR=#FFFFCC]lose weight yoga[/COLOR]
Want some?

Take advantage of this by visiting apps.zonsidekick.com/keyword-suggester/free
I currently have no intentions of selling on amazon but the tool does what its supposed to. Nice give away OP
Just taking a look, neat concept.
Just taking a look, neat concept.

Thanks, it's really quite the time saver. This tool allows us to generate massive reports that quickly narrow down to a few awesome keywords. It's an excellent starting point to all forms of Amazon keyword research.

If you're not 100% sure about what keywords to target in your listing, give this a whirl because nothing beats matching exactly what buyers are searching for.
is this still working? seems to just give me the seed word i entered in the output
Delete this conversation....link is dead as is the url