@Great ruler @berroughani
Yes facebook is doing harsh these days I have tested this method & Works
1.login in Firefox. ( best is incognito )
Don't leave footmarks ( history )
Don't login more than 4 ACC's per day
Don't do any activity before 3 days
Don't put profile pic ( most important )
At-least wait a week
Use your IP At-least 1 week + to know Facebook its home IP ( warm up ACC's )
Not join any group more than 1 in 15 mins interval
Max duration is good
I have set mine to 2+ hour intervals
Don't do random friends
Add some friends from suggestions
Post interval should be different
Check your IP blacklist from whoer dot net
Make sure you don't login much ACC's at same time
Different browsers can also solve problems
Try to minimize & see what settings work for you i will be waiting to hear positive news from you
Good luck buddy