To make a good income with fb ads, you will need to have an external blog/MNS set up [with opt in], and then set up a fb page and post lots of useful content linking to the external page. When running the ads, link to the fb page. Make sure the page includes lots of share-able posts, such as pictures, infographics, and articles of the "top 6 things..."/ "10 tips for.." etc type
You should get lots of ppl to your page from the ads, and through their engagement (likes/shares of posts), this will further provide free publicity to your page. Many will click through to your external blog/MNS, and if you have an incentivized opt in, it is likely many will opt (fb traffic loves free stuff). If your free report/mini course is set up right (soft sells work best), then kick back and watch the $$$$ flow
Allow me to emphasize this - you should always have a niche-specific page set up, and send traffic from the fb ads to it. That way, each time each person engages with the page (likes it or likes/shares/comments on a post), it will show up in their friends' newsfeed/home, and this will generate free further exposure of your page, creating a snowball effect. The key is creating engage-able posts. IMHO, fb ads that do not funnel traffic to fb pages are missing out big time.
Focus on having a page full of useful and engage-able content while you are running ads. Do the marketing later.