Daily Traffic source to lower EPC ?

Would cpa redirector ever leak?

To be safe, should I do a dmr before the traffic hits my site and then a cparedirector to offer landing page?

Would look something like this:
Traffic -> DMR -> WH -> CPA redirector -> Offer landing page
BTW, do you guys worry about CTR at all? Because I'm using junk traffic to throw at my websites to lower CTR and it's costing a bit of money. Maybe I can eliminate this altogether and just host the banner images on my server.

Do you think that the network would care if I do this? or would they start giving me hassle?
BTW, do you guys worry about CTR at all? Because I'm using junk traffic to throw at my websites to lower CTR and it's costing a bit of money. Maybe I can eliminate this altogether and just host the banner images on my server.

Do you think that the network would care if I do this? or would they start giving me hassle?

Make sure that your junk traffic is coming from the same source as your BH traffic. It will raise red flags if they see junk coming from your server and your leads coming from blogs. Just keep it all the same. Well if you are needing to lower your CTR then that means you are doing well, try to stay at 10% or under, and a bit of money to stay under the radar is worth it.
I've set up simplyautohits with DMR. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
If you select non-adult traffic from traffic holder do you get to chose what country your traffic comes from?
Dont know if anyone has mentioned this or not, but megatraffix.com is where I get my traffic. Can get Worldwide Traffic or US Unique Traffic. You can also regulate how much it sends per hour. 22k will cost around 33 dollars....they have lower packages and higher packages. I use them to lower my CTR.

I am currently using TrafficHolder to lower my EPC on my CPA Offers (With Cparedirector as well). It works well as it allows traffic to come in throughout the day to avoid big spikes. You can set the hourly traffic which is delivered throughout the day until your credit is finished.
Price for the cheapest plan is $1.42/K (Which I then redirect to multiple offers using a rotator)

I am looking for something similar to TrafficHolder or better/cheaper but for Non-Adult traffic. A set and forget solution to take care of my EPC lowering needs. Traffic sources can often leak and I wouldn't want Adult links to show as referrer.

PPV or Adbrite can't work as you never know the volume of a keyword or when it's going to be delivered. usually on one Shot.

Any suggestions ?



Thanks for baring with me, cuz I'm SUCH a newb at this! I have a question though. Why is it exactly that people use junk traffic and scripts to get their EPC down? Does having high traffic mean the network won't want to pay us? Is there a reason for this? Again, thanks and I hope to hear a reply as I've been wondering about this for some time now. Take care
Damn, I killed this thread with a stupid question. I've learned a lot since posting these questions. Please disregard my previous post. lol *smacks forehead*

I've found that Etology is great source for lowering EPC based on GEO-targetting costing only fractions of a penny. Adbrite is great for bullshit traffic too. I really like the idea of regulating traffic through a place like megatraffix for the sake of complimenting my CL campaigns; some great info here :-)
To anyone that's using DMR with CPA Redirector, is all your traffic showing in your network's stats or are you losing some of the clicks here and there?