BOT for Telegram Groups

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Regular Member
Sep 16, 2015
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Hey guys!

I've created a bot to use in Telegram Engagement Rounds. What this bot does is collect usernames and compiles them to a list and does a leech check.

If you are an admin, this bot does everything you need to do with ease. Here are the commands:

/startround -> Starts the round. Starts collecting usernames
/drop -> Users enter /drop @username to be added to the list
/list -> Closes the round and publishes the compiled list
/done -> users enter /done @username do say they're done
/check -> Checks for people who didn't /done. This is to check for leechers

I've created it because I wanted to make things easier for my groups and practice my shitty programming skills lol.

All you have to do is invite @thehost_bot to your group and type /start

If there are any bugs, let me know
You should mayby add /stop and /reset if anything goes wrong with the bot :D ?
Hey guys!

I've created a bot to use in Telegram Engagement Rounds. What this bot does is collect usernames and compiles them to a list and does a leech check.

If you are an admin, this bot does everything you need to do with ease. Here are the commands:

/startround -> Starts the round. Starts collecting usernames
/drop -> Users enter /drop @username to be added to the list
/list -> Closes the round and publishes the compiled list
/done -> users enter /done @username do say they're done
/check -> Checks for people who didn't /done. This is to check for leechers

I've created it because I wanted to make things easier for my groups and practice my shitty programming skills lol.

All you have to do is invite @thehost_bot to your group and type /start

If there are any bugs, let me know

Does this bot still work I couldn't find it? Also is it possible to see your code on how you made it? Thanks
Hey guys!

I've created a bot to use in Telegram Engagement Rounds. What this bot does is collect usernames and compiles them to a list and does a leech check.

If you are an admin, this bot does everything you need to do with ease. Here are the commands:

/startround -> Starts the round. Starts collecting usernames
/drop -> Users enter /drop @username to be added to the list
/list -> Closes the round and publishes the compiled list
/done -> users enter /done @username do say they're done
/check -> Checks for people who didn't /done. This is to check for leechers

I've created it because I wanted to make things easier for my groups and practice my shitty programming skills lol.

All you have to do is invite @thehost_bot to your group and type /start

If there are any bugs, let me know

Hey man does this still work???
I am wanting this really bad please and thanks

email me at [email protected]
i am in a group that uses this very bot and i can safely say it is easily one of the best automated piece of bot that i have seen, works so good and on time
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