bodeezy/frequency and yt massacre

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Their whole thing of "hey its works for other people" excuse is lame. There is 5 people here now that paid 149$ saying it doesnt work and then u have the programmer and a couple of friends saying it works fine.

You dont have to be a genius to fig this lil sham out. Who gets penalized for speaking their mind? the customers. a few have been banned off the board for complaining about the product. CRAZY
alikrson is correct. this software does not work. It wont be worth even if you find a cracked version for free. All it does is take up space on your hard drive.

It has been over 2 weeks sinse in have this product. I try it everydau- IT DOES NOT WORK.
And when i contact frequency, bodeezy, they just sau that you gotta update.

I did update. They wont listen to me after that.

I am not expecting them to reply the very day and they dont. But, when they reply, they should answer the question that is being asked.

If they cannot handle all the question, then why did they decide to sell 200 copies? Selling 200 copies means that it is not an excuse to say "They are ony 2 guys who try their hardest."

This is very unfair and anyone who is wanting to buy this software should hold off for a while.
I tried my best not to get involved with the situation, because (a) it doesn't concern me. But after reading some of the sheer stupid responses of people defending people let me have my say has this thread as carried on far enough.

Here lies the problem. Notice the word "lies". When people hype of products and use "cutting edge", and all types of gold and glitzy words the consumer expects a certain level of comfort especially when spending their money. I am an ex-programmer and I understand that programs have bugs. However when I use to distribute programs, I gave them away "freely" So the end user could tell me there was bugs and I could choose to fix them or not.

However when you put a price tag + hype on a product then you are obligated to live up to that hype. Here is a quote from their sales page: "This package allows you to boost your videos to the top of YouTube, effectively dominating the competition!" And this "Thousands of Ratings/Views/Comments and much more!"

If you don't want to live up to this hype Then you should use sales copy that reads as the following.
"We are releasing a new program YT Massacre Beta".. We intend for this program once the bugs are out to be better than Youtube Increaser. We intend for it to create accounts with rapid speed, and so forth. However by paying $149.95 now you will entitled to lifetime updates + support. We appreciate everyone that takes a chance on our product".

You can't tell me that I am about to purchase a Lamborghini then when I get it and it doesn't drive like a Lamborghini you offer me to exchange it in for a Delorean. Sure the doors lift up the same, but thats besides the point. I paid my money to buy a Lamborghini. I expect a Lamborghini. If I do not get delivered a Lamborghini I am entitled to a refund.

The creators of this product have already stated that they can remotely shut down this program so the user cannot use it. Great. However from my reading this tactic will not have to be employed as already they are having problems using the program. So the only thing left to do is issue a refund. Lets do the math 5 unhappy users refunded= $749.95;
195 happy customers=$29,240.95; The cost of losing future customers for not issuing refunds to a few unhappy people= Priceless!---For everything else theirs Mastercard.
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Well, I've been in their position (as a vendor) and in your position (as a buyer).

If I purchase a product wherein Customer Service cannot be sustained or the product cannot deliver *as advertised*, I would expect a cheerful refund.

I find it amazing that these guys, pulling of thousands of $$, cant afford to refund customers who are unhappy with the software. Truly amazing if you ask me. It speaks and smells of greed if you ask me. I think there should be a policy that the forum admins should be making mandatory before allowing anyone to sell around here. That should be, if a BHW customer is uhappy for any reason whatsoever, no matter what and without question the seller MUST refund the customer without fail.

If this policy was in place, including the fee to sell, then people here wouldn't be getting screwed.
What i dont get is the software refund policy you guys seems to have. As you know i am a the marketer and jv of the plenty of fish bot.

And here is my policy. If they can offer undisputable proof that it doesnt work.. i give them a refund no problem. I recently got scammed for a bot when they did an unauthorized transcaction.

Look if the buyer can show..

Picture Proof
Video Proof
Remote Desktop Viewing

Then i give a refund since its obvious that it isnt going to work for them. Maybe its thier computer settings or just dumbluck out of 100s that they got a buggy product? but the customer wants a WORKING product NOW not in the near future.

Really does it matter if the guy next to me has one that works while the one i have doesnt?

Should i care that it was Buggy and not the product that was promoted? Yes
Should i care that there were very little intructions to use it? Yes
SHOULD i care that i havent been able to use this product because of problems on thier side? NO
Should i care that while others who have been here longer claim that they are good people? NO
Should i care that the product works for them? NO
Should i care that they dont offer fast support for critical problems? YES
Should i care that even though they made over 30k that they dont have service/support reps? YES
great post
Well mikie you gotta understand thier side of view also.

What if they outright lie and just want it for free.

I dont understand what your saying. They have a key system dont they? Refund customer pull the key. Easy! The customer no longer has access to the application. Refunds are a must in any business and this type of selling is no exception. If they can disable a key remotely then whats the excuse?
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ya know I hate to say it, but maybe we should just scrap the b/s/t section anyways...if forum members have something awesome to sell-put up a website-

mixing "family" (bhw) and "work"(customers) seems like a spicy combination. Im sure we can all think of times when weve been really fucking vicious as customers-over some minor problem. Likewise as vendors, Im sure we can all think of mistakes weve made.

Ha.. and of course I use the b/s/t section as well.

But.. just putting my 0.2 out there
Its funny as more and more unhappy customers roll thru this thread the bullies have opted out getting into it and have ignored us indefinatley
LOL. I have been kicked off bodeezys site now. For what? asking for help and not getting any reply? LOL , it gets better and better.

Feels like the bush administartion is runnin things over there. lol
yup. i was first banned on this site for a week complaining and a few others and now i check if any of my questions were answered on bodeezy bank forum and my account is no longer active. LOL

Great way to do bizz. shut out and ban customers.
yup. i was first banned on this site for a week complaining and a few others and now i check if any of my questions were answered on bodeezy bank forum and my account is no longer active. LOL

Great way to do bizz. shut out and ban customers.

,am thats bad shit right there. why on earth did u get banned? for asking for support? or did u get mad with them on the board?
yup. i was first banned on this site for a week complaining and a few others and now i check if any of my questions were answered on bodeezy bank forum and my account is no longer active. LOL

Great way to do bizz. shut out and ban customers.

This must be some kind of mistake or forum software malfunction. I can't believe that they would shut out their customers on purpose. Now, if they did do so on purpose, you would surely receive a refund, I would imagine.

They may be in over their heads with customer service, which does happen often with small vendors, but surely they're not purposely punishing customers for that.

Both Freq & Bo are reputable BHW members, so I'd imagine they are busy getting all of the issues sorted out.

yup. i was first banned on this site for a week complaining and a few others and now i check if any of my questions were answered on bodeezy bank forum and my account is no longer active. LOL

Great way to do bizz. shut out and ban customers.
Who gets penalized for speaking their mind? the customers. a few have been banned off the board for complaining about the product. CRAZY

I was banned for a week for speaking out against them the first time with not even one warning. Proves they were covering up their tracks so they can still pump out this software. Makes u think how many others that have been duped and havent bothered complaining

This is why YOU were banned...

"definitily not a begginer program to use, pretty hard to use, tubinator and tube increaser far easier to use."

So your going to come into another persons sales thread and hype not one, but TWO other pieces of software.

I think not.

If I hear one more complaint from you about how we moderate, I'm going to erase any evidence of your existence on this forum.

I will now turn your attention the rules...

19 - Public Forum Complaints - Public posts debating or complaining about our rules or an Administrator's or Moderator's enforcement of such rules are prohibited and will be removed without notice. Repeat offenses can result in an infraction or even a ban. We encourage feedback/suggestions and invite you to use the Feedback section for such things, but it is best to simply send a PM to an Administrator or Moderator if you have any questions or concerns.
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To elaborate a little more about the heavy moderation on the BST threads...

The seller has purchased a spot on our forum to sell his/her product(s).

The threads are used for asking general questions about the software and to give reviews. The reviews cannot be outright slanderous or designed to kill the rep of the seller. If you have a honest review that is based on FACTS, then by all means post it.

Mentioning unrelated products is hijacking.

Asking for a refund should be requested in a email/pm.

Posting the same thing over and over again to get the seller's attention is annoying and is bad form within forum communities as a whole.

The mods are here to keep the threads clean and limit the amount of pages a potential customer has to weed through to get the information they need to make an informed decision.

One line comments and payment related questions need to be pm'd/emailed. It does nothing but clog up the thread.

Due to the fact that this (and other) BST threads have become an issue. Clix has added the following to the BST thread submission rules...

# You must clearly list your refund policy in your BST thread. Failure to abide by your own refund policy could result in a ban.

These rules will be effective for all new BST listings starting December 01, 2008.

This gives the moderators a way to step in and resolve issues more effectively.
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Thanks for clarifying that pofecker, you were starting to scare me:eek: or maybe it's just your avatar.:D
my bad, i didnt read the thread rules on the bst board.

a simple warning would of sufficed.

regardless bo and freq still do not answer their messages.

i have been kicked off their board for no reason as i just asked for support their, that is all.
Let's clear the air.

The software is working for the majority of our customers. The small minority of users who are having issues and approaching us respectfully are being allowed an exchange or a refund. This has been clear from the start and has been in practice for the entire duration of our business.

There are users who are reporting the software working perfectly on one of their PC's but glitching on their other because of a lack of updates to specific software such as IE, Java, and Flash. We can remedy these issues for you but users who go way out of line like ricktrang and aliskorn can't expect to get a positive response from a negative action.

Now go make some money guys. This soap-opera stuff is far beyond ad nauseum.

Btw, our refund policy has been clear since before we ever signed-up to BHW and has been available to the public on for years: - And even as such, we still give refunds and exchanges out to users who honestly have problems using the software. That's our policy.
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