bodeezy/frequency and yt massacre

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Regular Member
Apr 21, 2008
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I have to say i`m very disappointed with their service. Their product yt massacre is not working properly. I had the following issues with this software:
1. It was delivered to me in 2 days.
2.The serial was delivered after another day.
3.Waited for the update for another 5 days
4.Waited for a guide , a manual,something, for another 5 days.
6.The account creator is a joke.
And it still doesn`t work.You have to babysit the application. All i wanted from this software was what it promised to do. I want to be able to leave home,let the soft do it`s job `till I come home. I pm`d frequency about a refund.No reply in 2 weeks. I talked to bodeezy on aim today. I asked for a refund.He denied. He said all he could do is give me another software. Luckily I saved the conversation and i`ll post it here for all to see.
7. Frequency says one thing,Bo says another. More details in the conversation log. Frequency said in the bst thread that there is no proof that the software doesn`t work even though most members complain about the soft.
8.I never seen such a software being sold without a manual.The customers have to guess their way into making the soft work.
9.No system requirements were posted. Users were to find 2 weeks later that you need the latest version of ie and flash.

I recorded myself using the program. Here`s the proof the software doesn`t work:
If you read carefully the next conversations you will see how they contradict each other and Bo even offers me another software.

So here is my first conversation with Bo:

aliskorn: bodeezy,are you there buddy?
rwlndb is away at 9:03:14 PM.
rwlndb returned at 9:04:20 PM.
rwlndb: yes
rwlndb: what up
aliskorn: i pm`d freqq 2 weeks ago about yt massacre refund and no answer
aliskorn: i want to wrap this up,in short: your software didn`t deliver
rwlndb: why havent you contacted me on here ?
rwlndb: do you have the update ?
rwlndb: and have you read the guide ?
aliskorn: yes
aliskorn: read the guide
rwlndb: what seems to be the problem your having ?
aliskorn: well it hangs
rwlndb: hangs ?
aliskorn: gives errors after the update
rwlndb: what types of errors ?
aliskorn: yeah,when i login the normal mode,it just hangs
aliskorn: doesn`t proceed to the next account
rwlndb: you have have java enabled
aliskorn: i have it
rwlndb: also you have to make sure that is updated
aliskorn: mobile is better
rwlndb: also your ie is updated ?
aliskorn: but after 10 ratings it gives error
rwlndb: what error ?
aliskorn: bad request or smth
aliskorn: i tried to make it work,i waited for the proggie for 2 days,waited for the update for 5 days,waited for the guide another week
aliskorn: i`m tired and i just want my money back
aliskorn: i`ll give you my serial so you can deactivate it
rwlndb: we dont offer refunds due to software piracy, i can help you get this working the right way, also we could offer an exchange for something else ?
aliskorn: software piracy?
rwlndb: yes, we get tons of people that try and rip us off
aliskorn: i thought one serial can work only on one computer
rwlndb: constantly
rwlndb: right but there are other ways around things
aliskorn: let`s make this deal
aliskorn: because you took the time and actually tried to make it work i will only ask for 100 bucks
aliskorn: not a full refund
aliskorn: oh,and i tried to cantact freqq on aim since 2 weeks
aliskorn: i think he blocked me
aliskorn: he was NEVER online
rwlndb is away at 9:21:53 PM.
aliskorn: Transaction id : 3WV41558PS859461L Auto response from rwlndb: I'm not here right now
rwlndb returned at 9:23:15 PM.
rwlndb: i mean we are willing to work with you
aliskorn: ?
aliskorn: i`ll be expecting my refund
aliskorn: please
aliskorn: so bodeezy
aliskorn: when will i get my refund?
rwlndb: as i said we dont offer refunds
rwlndb: we have many people that have done well with this application
rwlndb: with no problems
aliskorn: hey man
aliskorn: the software is very buggy
aliskorn: you know that
aliskorn: you offered me another you know i deserve something because yt massacre doesn`t work
aliskorn: but you don`t want to give MONEY
aliskorn: you want to give another software
aliskorn: does that sound right?
rwlndb: no im saying i can offer you something if you cant get this to work for you
aliskorn: well i can`t
aliskorn: i already said it
rwlndb: right but your not even asking me questions to try and getting working right
aliskorn: i aksed qustions
aliskorn: trust me
aliskorn: i asked anyone who ever said yt massacre is working
rwlndb: what about me ?
rwlndb: lol the creator
aliskorn: they are still experiencing bugs
aliskorn: i tried contacting freqq
rwlndb: me
aliskorn: but no response
rwlndb: i said
rwlndb: me
rwlndb: bodeezy
rwlndb: there are 2 of us
rwlndb: trying 1 is not a valid excuse
aliskorn: what about you? frequency started the thread not you
rwlndb: im on here all the time
aliskorn: an excuse?
rwlndb: u say you cant get ahold of me
rwlndb: im here
rwlndb: all the time
aliskorn: not you
rwlndb: ok
rwlndb: this is about me, you failed to contact me ?
rwlndb: if freq wasnt answeing
rwlndb: contact me
rwlndb: im not freq
rwlndb: there was more then one option
rwlndb: im helping you now
rwlndb: trying
aliskorn: alright
aliskorn: i told you my problems
rwlndb: open the application
rwlndb: load your account
rwlndb: s
aliskorn: yeah
aliskorn: go on
rwlndb: what exactly are you trying to accomplish ?
rwlndb: from using this ?
aliskorn: are you gonna reapeat what it`s in the guide?
aliskorn: if so don`t bother
aliskorn: i read it a thosuand times
aliskorn: tell me something that`s not in the guide
rwlndb: im going to go over this with you
aliskorn: i loaded the accounts
aliskorn: what next?
rwlndb: what are you trying to accomplish ?
rwlndb: comments ?
rwlndb: favs ?
rwlndb: ratings ?
aliskorn: rating/fav/subs
rwlndb: ok, now for your videos ? or any ? you have the ids of the videos ?
aliskorn: i only want to rate a video
rwlndb: ok
rwlndb: one
rwlndb: ?
aliskorn: yes
rwlndb: k put 1 for how many to collect
rwlndb: and then put the video id in for the keywords
rwlndb: to search for that video
rwlndb: then it will add it to the list when it finds it
aliskorn: can`t i just load it into the list?

rwlndb: no
rwlndb: it will not work right if you do that
aliskorn: the why the list
aliskorn: what purpose does it have
rwlndb: to show you which ones you successfully collected
rwlndb: you may put the wrong id in
rwlndb: or something like that
rwlndb: other people search for things like rock music
rwlndb: and suc
rwlndb: such
rwlndb: this works for everyone
aliskorn: ok
aliskorn: i did it
rwlndb: ok now you have your 1 video there
rwlndb: its highlighted ?
rwlndb: should be
rwlndb: by default
aliskorn: yes
rwlndb: now click rate
rwlndb: option
rwlndb: now how are you trying to do this ?
rwlndb: chainging your accoutns ?
rwlndb: chaining *
rwlndb: rate, change account, rate
rwlndb: change account
rwlndb: ?
aliskorn: wait
aliskorn: it`s not finding the video
rwlndb: are you sure you have the correct video id ?
aliskorn: yes it was
aliskorn: problem is that video is to fresh
aliskorn: changed to another video
rwlndb: ah ok
aliskorn: anyway it harvested many videos now
aliskorn: not only the one that i`m targetting
rwlndb: did you set for it to collect 1
rwlndb: ?
aliskorn: where is the setting? and are there many videos with this id?
rwlndb: no it just may think that im not sure, thats youtubes search so
aliskorn: so where is that setting?
rwlndb: one sec
aliskorn: i set chaining to 1 but still harvested many videos even though the window tells me "1 result for my video id"
aliskorn: are you there?
rwlndb: yes one sec im on the phone

Then the conversation with freqq :

aliskorn: how do i add one single video?
Freqqe: Settings > Lists
aliskorn: bodeezy said that it`s not good to add it to list
Freqqe: Videos > Add
Freqqe: sure, just add it a couple timews
Freqqe: times
aliskorn: he said that i should put the video id in the keyword box
Freqqe: no
aliskorn: nothing is changed
aliskorn: bad request
Freqqe: Use Standard
Freqqe: not Mobile
aliskorn: bad request
aliskorn: again
aliskorn: even though it`s standard mode
aliskorn: so?
aliskorn: what could be the problem
Freqqe: Are you using any software that preserves your cache or cookies?
aliskorn: no
aliskorn: i even deleted them myself
aliskorn: right now
aliskorn: it still says bad request
Freqqe: Did you start sending with it on Standard first
Freqqe: or was it on Mobile
aliskorn: mobile
aliskorn: changed to standard afterwards
Freqqe: restart the app
Freqqe: I mean
Freqqe: your PC
Freqqe: change it to Standard immediately
Freqqe: this is why
aliskorn: restart pc
aliskorn: ?
aliskorn: why pc and not the app only
Freqqe: just the way it clears
Freqqe: it's already tripped up
aliskorn: oh,so it doesn`t clear by itself
aliskorn: it stays in memory or what
Freqqe: we're not sure where or what the "use_hitbox" cookie si
Freqqe: it clears when the pc restars

Then again with Bo:

aliskorn: if i have 30 accounts and i want to rate 1 video,what should is et my chaining to?
aliskorn: set*
rwlndb: that answer you can find in the guide, are you sure you read it ?
aliskorn: yes
aliskorn: but freqq confused the hell out of me
aliskorn: and your site doesn`t work right now
aliskorn: so will you tell me
aliskorn: and freq told me that it`s ok to add videos to the list
rwlndb: freq knows more about this application
aliskorn: but you said you built it
rwlndb: yes we both built it
aliskorn: right
rwlndb: but just because 2 people built a house, one doesnt know more then the other about it ?
rwlndb: we are very busy
aliskorn: yeah but that`s ironic when you trolled me about not talking to you
rwlndb: right
aliskorn: and now you say freqq knows more than you
rwlndb: i still had answers and can help you out
rwlndb: and did
aliskorn: so what about my simple question
aliskorn: can you answer it
rwlndb: i answered that to
aliskorn: if i have 30 accounts and i want to rate 1 video,what should is et my chaining to?
rwlndb: Put them in the application directory and start the program to auto-load them. Video list should be formatted according to the video ID on YouTube (found in the hyperlink to the video's page). Once you have all your lists loaded you can check what actions you'd like to perform. Let's start with Ratings, Favorites, and Subscriptions. Check all 3 of these settings and then check Enable Auto-Pilot so you can rotate your youtube accounts around as many videos as you'd like. Set the Chaining Limit to the amount of videos you'd like to work on per account. If you set it to 5 and have a list of 10 videos, it will rate/fav/sub 5 videos on the first account, login the next account, then rate/fav/sub the remaining 5. If you set the Chaining limit to 10, it will rate/fav/sub each video with each account. This is the ideal setting. Set your Chaining Limit to the amount of videos you have.
All I see here is you being frustrated because you expect Microsoft level on-demand customer service and had less technical aptitude than some.

I'm not saying the software does or doesn't work, I'm just saying it's a two man shop and a brand new piece of software. Microsoft has been in business for 30 years, has 50,000 employees and STILL can't get their shit to work right instantly, every time.

Looks to me like Bo and Freq both tried very hard to help you and you changed your mind after the purchase because it was going to take a little more setup time than you thought. Maybe it was over advertised or hyped. I don't know.

But based on the logs, I don't think they have anything to apologize for.

That's just my take based on the evidence here. Wish I could agree with you, but I can't.

All I see here is you being frustrated because you expect Microsoft level on-demand customer service and had less technical aptitude than some.

I'm not saying the software does or doesn't work, I'm just saying it's a two man shop and a brand new piece of software. Microsoft has been in business for 30 years, has 50,000 employees and STILL can't get their shit to work right instantly, every time.

Looks to me like Bo and Freq both tried very hard to help you and you changed your mind after the purchase because it was going to take a little more setup time than you thought. Maybe it was over advertised or hyped. I don't know.

But based on the logs, I don't think they have anything to apologize for.

That's just my take based on the evidence here. Wish I could agree with you, but I can't.


It doesn't sound to me like he is wanting "Microsoft level on-demand customer service," it sounds to me like he want's to get what they said it would do, and what he paid good money for.

I don't think this bodes well for what in my opinion is a much over-hyped product. And to use reasoning such as this works for everyone else, really doesn't fly. In my opinion a refund should be offered, and aliskorn even asked for a partial refund. Sure they are only a two man shop but if you put together a product and plan to sell it, this is exactly the type of thing you are asking to get yourself into, and should be prepared for.

building applications, as Scuba has already explained with MS as a shining example of numerous issues, isn't cut & dry. Software and operating systems seldom work the way YOU thinkthey should work, ESPECIALLY when you're dealing with cutting edge apps such as what you've purchased.

It appears to me, from the logs you posted, that Bodeezy & Freq are doing everything they possibly can to get your issues resolved.

Sure, you may wish you were dealing with a larger organization ... then you could get something as easy and flawless as the first release of MS Windows Vista! That certainly wouldn't accomplish what Bo & Freq's app will for you.

Give them time to get you all sorted out. It's cutting edge stuff that is under continuous improvement, so help them help you.

It doesn't sound to me like he is wanting "Microsoft level on-demand customer service," it sounds to me like he want's to get what they said it would do, and what he paid good money for.

I don't think this bodes well for what in my opinion is a much over-hyped product. And to use reasoning such as this works for everyone else, really doesn't fly. In my opinion a refund should be offered, and aliskorn even asked for a partial refund. Sure they are only a two man shop but if you put together a product and plan to sell it, this is exactly the type of thing you are asking to get yourself into, and should be prepared for.

Wait, "It works for everyone else" is actually perfect reasoning if it's true. It's indicative of a specific problem for a specific user, not an overall issue with the software. There may be overall problems but once again I want to point out that it's a two man shop selling INCREDIBLY inexpensive software that is essentially custom built and not based on any existing model or code base.

People have an expectation that is false about how software development works. Every piece of software has bugs and workarounds. Every one.

The difference is in the number of people available to test the software, run it through it's paces and find bugs. The big companies have teams of thousands of people with whom to run their alpha and beta testing.

Where should a 2 man shop turn for these things, particularly in an industry where they MAY only sell a couple of hundred copies of their product if they're lucky?

The answer is to the buyers.

The alternative is to pay the actual value of the software which in this case is probably something like $10,000 a copy.

You have two choices. Pay $10k a copy for near-perfect software, or pay $500 a copy and help iron out the wrinkles when they show up.

I leave it to you to decide which course you'd rather take.

Expecting something just because you expect it isn't reality. Expecting something and being willing to understand the cost/benefit ratio involved is something else.

If you don't have the experience of buying a product like this, don't be mad at the developers for your lack of experience; learn from it and continue to benefit from the effort they put into these things.

Now you know how it works.

Lessons are sometimes learned the hard way. I'm sorry you had to learn it this way. But at least you walk away knowing more.

And before you say, "Well why didn't they SAY there might be bugs?"

Because ALL software has them. It doesn't need to be said.

/rant off
Wait, "It works for everyone else" is actually perfect reasoning if it's true. It's indicative of a specific problem for a specific user, not an overall issue with the software. There may be overall problems but once again I want to point out that it's a two man shop selling INCREDIBLY inexpensive software that is essentially custom built and not based on any existing model or code base.

Exactly, you are making my point. Just because the software does not work for him, does that give the software creator the right to say that it works for everyone else, and you are essentially shit out of luck, or does that mean they should offer him at least a partial refund?

I don't believe that he is at all out of line in asking for a refund, he is obviously not out looking for a freebie, just what he paid for, and what he paid for is a program that HE could use.


God I love a good debate.:D
Honestly I would recommend saving your money and waiting till they make a falwless product. The best Youtube software out right now is Tube booster and tube automator.
I was gonna buy YT massacre but from the buggy reviews I think not. I was even gonna referr my marketing list, but I think not now. Time is money and we dont have time to mess around with a piece of software that you pay $160 for that claims to be the god father of them all. Dont get me wrong, some where down the road it probably will live up to its name, But theres a reason why people complain about spending so much time wasting it on trying to make a product work when they paid good money for it to live up to its HYPE.

Everyone can pay the same amount of money and get ten times the results from other products. And if they fail to meet the standards of products and services thats on them, but please do not defend the situation at hand when ultimately they say they cant refund or provide the service that should be guaranteed. Of course they tried to help the dude, but due to past results and present, the software is way to beta to be over hyped to these forums. As I said before, its a unique product, but as a consumer, We all want better. And like trends, software will come and go, as will the developers.
Honestly I would recommend saving your money and waiting till they make a falwless product. The best Youtube software out right now is Tube booster and tube automator.
I was gonna buy YT massacre but from the buggy reviews I think not. I was even gonna referr my marketing list, but I think not now. Time is money and we dont have time to mess around with a piece of software that you pay $160 for that claims to be the god father of them all. Dont get me wrong, some where down the road it probably will live up to its name, But theres a reason why people complain about spending so much time wasting it on trying to make a product work when they paid good money for it to live up to its HYPE.

Everyone can pay the same amount of money and get ten times the results from other products. And if they fail to meet the standards of products and services thats on them, but please do not defend the situation at hand when ultimately they say they cant refund or provide the service that should be guaranteed. Of course they tried to help the dude, but due to past results and present, the software is way to beta to be over hyped to these forums. As I said before, its a unique product, but as a consumer, We all want better. And like trends, software will come and go, as will the developers.

AMEN brother, you're not as stupid as your nick implies.:)
Exactly, you are making my point. Just because the software does not work for him, does that give the software creator the right to say that it works for everyone else, and you are essentially shit out of luck, or does that mean they should offer him at least a partial refund?

I don't believe that he is at all out of line in asking for a refund, he is obviously not out looking for a freebie, just what he paid for, and what he paid for is a program that HE could use.


God I love a good debate.:D

Actually unless you raise a stink about it, most retailers won't give refunds on software, they'll just exchange it. And that's for exactly the same reason Bo quoted: piracy.

Software can't really be "returned" once it's been installed. So how is Bo to know that it really didn't work and that all of this isn't a giant scam to get free (or in this case discounted) software that in reality works perfectly well?

Is he invited over to the house to personally uninstall the software?

Refunds are NOT normal in software sales. Demanding them, or hoping for them doesn't make it so.

Next time you go to the doctor, ask for a refund after the exam because you weren't satisfied with the temperature of the stethoscope. They'll giggle, or prescribe you some anti-psychotics.

I say again that just because a person thinks or expects things to work a certain way, doesn't mean that it actually DOES work that way. You can't compare software to any other kind of product because it isn't any other kind of product.

And thinking you should get a refund, full or partial, just because you aren't happy just isn't realistic.

I'm not saying (yet again!) that the software did or didn't work. I'm just saying that the buyer seems to have had expectations that weren't based on reality or experience. I'm sorry it happened that way, but also again, expecting retail type service and refund on demand is just not facing reality.
I can understand your frustration. You bought a software for $150. After 1 month (it seems), it's still not working.

I'm sure bodezy and frequency are good guys, honest and everything. But that sucks. I would just give the guy a refund. He's waited enough, and it's not working.

I think it's not fair to say that the guy is wrong just because of bodezy's past and reputation. Obviously he's not scamming anyone. But this dude's software doesn't work after 1 month, and he's pissed. So would I.
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I have always had great success with bodeezy and frq as well. At least he did offer another software to hold you over while the yt massacre was being updated. He didn't say get another software and no future updates on yt massacre. I know he is very fair, many software downloads do not offer refunds. PayPal will not even refund software purchases. I can understand your frustration though. Take the other software offer and grab the yt updates as they come out.
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Hi Aliskorp,

I know you're frustrated. I once spent 39K for a system from DigiDesign (a large organization at the time that was later purchased by Avid) that didn't work. God dammit I was pissed. I had a deadline to produce some work and was going to be running behind because of this mishap.

Shit happens, often.

Even DHL called my office to ask how to get to my 24th street office location in Manhattan to deliver the missing pieces. They called from a corner on 23rd street. Now, to this day 24th street is still located one block north of 23th street. They arrived 2 days later.

God dammit I was pissed. I was even more behind schedule now and I had a broadcast deadline.

Ok so the hapless DHL guy finally showed up to my studio to deliver the missing software. It didn't work. Turns out I had just purchased the latest and greatest Mac hardware and there was an issue with how the hardware cards they had shipped me were clocking with the processor. Aw shit. Back on the phone to try to get it sorted.

This is a true story that happened 11 years ago. My main contract with my best customer was on the line. But because I needed Version 1.0 of important, at-the-time cutting edge software and hardware to accomplish the contract.

In the end I got what I needed from them and made my deadline. But I had to work with them to solve my problem. I had a cutting-edge machine and had purchased cutting-edge hardware and software needing to hit the ground running, and I hit some snags. But I worked with the vendor to iron out my specific issues. I made a lot of money on that project delivery; I'd never invoiced anything that high before.

Such is the fate for any purchaser of cutting-edge technology. It goes with the territory sometimes, but it's in your best interest to work with good vendors who can deliver for you.

As in my case all those years ago up to many similar experiences since, if I can accomplish something remarkable with the tool and the vendor team is reputable, I WORK with them to help them help me solve my problem.

Best wishes,
If you read carefully the next conversations you will see how they contradict each other and Bo even offers me another software.

Actually everyone who's read it seems to be in a general consensus. This consensus reflects a disagreement with your initial statement, and later an agreement that we've done everything in our power to help you, despite you.

We very rarely give refunds, as ScubaSlick points out, however exchanges are commonplace. If you'd taken a bit of time you'd set aside for being sarcastic and unruly, perhaps we could have already made this exchange. Obviously your system, for whatever reason, is conflicting with our software. We believe this is not a scam and extend our arm in sympathy offering an exchange.

All I see here is you being frustrated because you expect Microsoft level on-demand customer service and had less technical aptitude than some.

Looks to me like Bo and Freq both tried very hard to help you and you changed your mind after the purchase because it was going to take a little more setup time than you thought. Maybe it was over advertised or hyped. I don't know.

But based on the logs, I don't think they have anything to apologize for.

Thanks Scuba, we appreciate the honest interpretation of this situation and for shedding some much needed light on the topic. With over 80 copies currently being used, the minority of people who've had trouble using the software have been compensated. The only requirement is you approach us as you'd like to be approached. Obviously this requirement may have been a bit too much to ask for some in this small minority. I again share my appreciation for your support.

Software can't really be "returned" once it's been installed. So how is Bo to know that it really didn't work and that all of this isn't a giant scam to get free (or in this case discounted) software that in reality works perfectly well?

Actually we can disable registration keys and completely disable the software remotely. However this is a last resort and rarely exercised. The scam tactic is very common. You can imagine, we deal in BlackHat software. We have to take precautions when offering refunds. Exchanges are the more ideal situation for both the customer and us as a company.

Bodeezy products are far under priced and Bodeezy and Frequency are wonderful assets to BHW. Every product I ever got from them has earned me Money

Thanks Madinaz! I really appreciate you sharing your opinion with everyone.

Bodeezy good; Bodeezy fine! Frequency good; Frequency fine. Program good; program fine.

What do these things tell you?

Thanks UB! And thanks to everyone else who's posted in support of our company, our character, and our software. We always try to provide effective methods in inexpensive software. When a user has trouble using the software when the majority of the other users are having no problem, we go that extra mile to help. We understand the frustrations of this minority and empathize with it. Our users feedback provides essential information to help create a better product. It's just disappointing when customers like aliskorn take it to such extreme measures and disrupt the process entirely.
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