A Few Questions on Migrating a Site


Junior Member
Apr 22, 2009
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Hello everyone, I have a blog that I started in 2009. It has hundreds of articles on it and a lot of link juice, DA and so on. I am done with that project and am in the process of starting a new one. Some of the old content is relevant but a lot of it isn't.

SOOOO my questions are. What is the best way to go about forwarding, or redirecting the old site to the new one and still keep all the juice? Do I need to keep all of my old blog posts/pages or should I just keep the best ones? If sitea.com links to siteb.com (new site) what will the url look like for old posts on the new site? And is there anything else I should know before doing this?

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I would pick the cream of the crop and if the content matches >> move it over to the new site with specific URL 301 redirect to hone the juice to that content. I would then 301 redirect all other pages/content to the home page of the new site.