
  1. Z

    Porn website issues (my new business)

    Hello everyone I New in porn streaming industry I'm working with WP-SCRIPT product (mass embedded plugin) I'ne noticed that the videos embedded in my web site redirect users to the origin web Site, For exemple if tje users try to click on the videos he automatically redirected to the origin...
  2. J

    Video Hosting Solutions for Adult Content Websites

    Hi everyone, I am in the process of creating an adult content website using WordPress. I have already purchased the WP-Script video scraping plugin and theme, the $49 version. However, after scraping third-party content through the backend, I noticed that the videos are embedded as iframes and...
  3. F

    Tool to transform netu embeds into my player

    Hi there, I'm currently hosting my videos using netu.ac , is there any tool to transform their embed videos to use WPS- Player ?
  4. R

    Spankbang embedded videos not playing in Chrome incognito mode

    Hey all, I've been using the WP-Script Mass Embedder tool to grab videos from popular tube sites, but since Spankbang is not listed there I embed those videos manually. Everything seems to work fine, but I saw recently the embedded Spankbang videos on my site don't play when in incognito...
  5. EasySunshine

    Best WP Plugin for WP-Script Memberships

    Hey rockstars, I'm wondering what my fellow adult webmasters using wp-script are using as a solution for membership (being signup (preferably to a non-wp login page), login to comment, maybe even upload)? I've explored a few options on one of my dummy sites but I'm getting different answers...
  6. vstevenphan

    ✅ ✅ My journey to reach $10000 per month with adult tube ✅ ✅

    Hello everyone, who has a passion to earn money here :) I know there are controversial topics about starting an adult site to earn money as many people said this field is saturated enough. However, I have a lot of free time during Covid 19 pandemic. Why don't give it a try to get rid of a...
  7. ziko12345

    Need help about DMCA (embedd tube site)

    Mods, feel free to move this thread. So i have an embedd tube site with the theme and video player from wp-script. Embedding from xvideos and monetizing with pre rolls through the wp-script's custom player. Now i get a DMCA from a bitch called "the purple bitch" ( hot bitch by the way) and...
  8. Bloodseeker

    How to Get "WPS Booster" from WP-Script for FREE

    I started a porn tube site using a WP-Script theme and some plugins. Everything is great, it's just their WPS Booster plugin sucks. It was completely broken, at least for me, so I got a refund. Then, I found a person on a Discord server who helped me write a small custom code to automatically...
  9. Sulukan

    My way to 100$ a month/week would be nice: Adult tube (WP-Script)

    Hi I think it's time to start presenting my journey here. Thought long enough if I have anything to tell or if I would find enough time to update this here permanently. Well, let's stat with it and see were we/I end up. I startet my tube website 4 months ago with many up's and down's. First of...
  10. JohnArn

    Looking For Dev To Customize Wp-Script Theme

    Title says it all. Looking for someone to do some non-cosmetic custom coding on a Wp-Script theme. If this is something you have experience with please send me a PM and I can give you further details and discuss your desired compensation. Budget: 50$? It really depends on how long it will...
  11. HiThereDudes

    WP-Script Adult Content Asking for Refund No Answers!

    Bought WP-Script Theme + Mass embed Twitted Wp-scrip twitter no answer Sent support email no answer I'll try to do PayPal dispute refund! After Full Refund ill post My review on this script maybe this will be useful for someone!
  12. saggismart

    wp-script disgusting Services Totally money waste service

    Very Disgusting service I Buy theme & plugins But not fixing a video play issue not working video and I create ticket maximum time but not solve this issue please fix this issue as soon as possible. Please fix the video issue and activate the upgrade plan.
  13. Icey Dan

    Tube Site Profits - Profitable Adult Sites Completely Done For You!

    Sex sells, and it always will. One of the best ways to make money with this evergreen niche is running your very own adult tube site! Lots of members right here on these forums have already made money with tube sites, and having created many of them myself I got inspired to create a brand new...
  14. M

    WPS Player not working

    Hey, does WPS player by wp-script stopped working for YouPorn? I have WPS player and it does not transform the YouPorn videos. It shows in the dashboard that it is transforming but actually it does not work. Anyone else also facing the same problem? I contacted the support but they did not...
  15. M

    WP-Script products

    Hello everyone, I am making an adult tube website using wp-script's products. I am using the Retro Tube theme, WPS Single Embedder, WPS player. I bought these after reading several articles about them and now I am stuck. I have a lot of questions about the WPS player and how to properly add...
  16. M

    WP-Script player not working

    Hello, I am making an adult tube website using the Retro Tube theme and WP Single Embedder from WP-Script. Yesterday I bought their WPS Player also called as clean tube player. I read many articles online saying that it removes the links and redirects from the videos. Due to this, I bought their...
  17. M

    Wrong meta description showing on google

    Hello, I am creating an adult tube website using a wp-script theme. Google is showing the wrong meta description in the search results. I am using Yoast SEO to change the meta description of my pages. Here is a screenshot of google showing the wrong meta description ibb(dot)co/LQCkjbQ...
  18. JohnArn

    New WP-Script Theme "KolorTube." Thoughts?

    WP-Script has finally released their new theme "KolorTube." I was really excited about these theme but then I tried the Live Preview... It seems on the single video post page that the advertisement is extremely lacking. The underplayer banner, on my monitor, actually appears mostly "Below the...
  19. Deewinc

    WPS Player Help

    I bought WPS Player a few days ago - four to be exact. The player has a few issues, which I have reached out to WP-Script the developer and they're yet to respond. Follow up emails still go unanswered too. The player is conflicting with Wordpress's default player when I try to tag direct MP4...
  20. Y

    Tubeace Vs wp-script

    Who the best tubeace and wp-script for starting adult website.