
  1. Latoon Technologies

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  2. A

    How do I rank a squeez page?

    Hello Everyone, I am going to promote a clickbank offer by making a sales page for it but the question is how do I get it ranked? Lets say I have a sales page abc and it is a long sales page. I know It is very very difficult to rank this page. Can I do something like this abc/blog/articles and...
  3. T


    I'd like to write that I'm a future millionaire in the works but hey, I'm not looking to make millions, just enough to have a good, entertaining life. Enough for some hoes, I guess. So I'm TickleMeElmo, I'm from the southern hemisphere and I know absolutely nothing about IM. I was referred to...
  4. M1ndfluX

    Need professional salespage done today. $100

    Hi designers! As stated, i need a salespage done today. Logo, orderbutton, testimonial gfx, background en some space to write some stuff about the product. I need a razorsharp design so pls no bs. If you are up for it, send me a pm with your latest work and turnaround time. Payment will be...
  5. R

    The adventures of the Marketing Liar, continued...

  6. G

    Sales page or Minisite?

    Hey, I wanted to get your opinion, maybe have a discussion: what do you think is the best way to rank for multiple keywords, the primary objective getting optins? ....Sales page or minisite?? GB