Sales page or Minisite?


Registered Member
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
I wanted to get your opinion, maybe have a discussion:

what do you think is the best way to rank for multiple keywords,
the primary objective getting optins?

....Sales page or minisite??

the best way to rank high for multiple keywords is writing many articles in your site and than build a lot of backlinks / submit RSS / social bookmarking .
the best way to rank high for multiple keywords is writing many articles in your site and than build a lot of backlinks / submit RSS / social bookmarking .

Thanks man,
So if i build a site with each article targeting a specific keyword and promote them, i will get ranking to those articles. Is there a good way to have the articles and rank for them, but have traffic to a sales page (not the specific articles) as this would have better conversion?

Say i sold stocks, i might have many different financial products(which i could write articles about) but at the end of the day i just want people to opt in and possibly open an account....
I would think having the specific article indexed with a site map of all the other articles and the signup page on the side of the articles. Make sure to use keyword heavy article titles as well.