paypal dispute

  1. CarryMinati

    Paypal Negative Balance Help Needed

    Hello Guys, I have auto withdraw turned on in my paypal account, which allow me to automatically transfer fund everyday into my Bank account. Now there are 2 dispute from buyer who asked for refund so I initiated the refund but since Paypal had zero balance it is showing me on Negative balance...
  2. sams11

    PayPal Buyer Protection Policy scammed me in 2500 $

    i have partnered with one of guy online, we were doing CPA together and he was using his paypal to received payments. once he get the payments he send me my part. after a month or so i found that guy is cheating on me somehow so i have end up partnership with him. he opened fake dispute on...
  3. See you vader

    When does Paypal accept refunds ?

    When a customer opens a dispute and asks for a refund, how does Paypal decide whether to close the case in your or in the customer's favor ? What about when the tracking number shows it was shipped on a later date than when the customer open the dispute ? (e.g : customer opens dispute today...
  4. JVRZ

    Scam: warrior plus TrafficXPro by Jason Fulton and Mosh Bari (famous scammers apparently)

    Message to mods: I don't know if non-BHW related shitlist threads are allowed, delete or move it if it is not. So basically I am a fricking idiot apparently. I fell for a stupid empty promise product sold on warrior plus that was promoted by a guy on a free udemy course. It is called...
  5. EternalFun

    Think I got scammed. Whats your opinion?

    It is with a non bhw member (but 99% he is here too). So, I bought accs from him for around $30 and the deal was made via skype. I found him in another forum. So I got the RDP access the day before yesterday and when I was trying to connect it was showing vps can't connect to the network...

    Why do buyers go straight for PayPal dispute rather than emailing the seller for a resolutio

    Why do buyers go straight for PayPal dispute rather than emailing the seller for a resolution? Like the title says? If they buy a service and are prepared to signup etc, if there is a problem why not email the seller first? I had a buyer pay 10$ dollars for a service and because the payment...
  7. praveen545445

    how to win paypal dispute

    Ok suppose if i am providing smm or seo services how can i win the dispute as a seller ? Any experience on it ?
  8. Reposal024

    [Need Help] Start Selling Soon, How To Protect Myself From PayPal Disputes

    Hello, I am gonna start selling services soon on BHW. I am gonna send invoices with PayPal. How do I protect myself from fraud/fake disputes people start? Is their any way?
  9. maxedgames

    How to protect a Paypal dispute when selling a website (PLEASE HELP)

    Hello BHW, I am selling my website and I am scared of the buyer requesting a refund after he receives the website files. Is there anyway I can stop him from ever winning a dispute like this? Is there anything I can get him to agree to before hand, or anything I can get him to say before he...