
  1. J

    My formula to calculate profitability in PPC advertising

    I could not find anything straightforward on the internet to get an entry bid estimate when first creating the ad as a method of hedging so I wrote this up quickly. Maybe there are better ways with more variables to factor in but this is what I'm working with right now, what do you guys think...
  2. Mark Eternally

    Sales Forecasting Formulas

    I am looking for any recommendations on accurate and customizable sales forecasting formulas. There are the obvious choices of using Excel/LibreOffice forecast function, or even just averaging time-periods then guessing whether that trend will either maintain, decline, or improve and adjusting...
  3. N

    SEO Equations?

    I was wondering if anyone has any equations that they use for SEO. Or perhaps just a basic outline of Work + Time + Programs= $$ I'm totally just making this up but how about something like: T = Time (time in hours working on SEO) P = Programs/Software (# of programs used) Pt = Program...
  4. T

    Become a Millionaire in 1 Year

    Hi guys, this is my first share on BHW and I have been reading this forum for about 2 weeks now and I noticed that there are a lot less successful people than successful, but I see that the unsuccessful ones still seem to stay attached to this forum and continue to research and strive for...