
  1. jualan2

    Failed AI Blog, Delete AI Posts or Just Buy New Domain?

    So for summary, I have started this AI site in money making niche, but it failed, Google doesnt even want to index it. Tho Bing does bring some small traffic. I want to "reset" the website, something like more specific niche (but still within money making), but I wonder wether I should just...
  2. The Accountant

    What is the amount you got scammed for in total since using the internet

    out of interest I was wondering what is the amount you got scammed for in total since using the internet? We all made faults when starting to use the internet so i think a lot of us lost money trusting the wrong person. Im sure people still fall for scammers even in this forum with all the 2...
  3. sanseraservices

    Counting NNN GOT FAILED OUT?

    Hello blackies How are you guys counter on NNN? Have you make some yet? Let me know if you are up to any of it. Chears!
  4. U

    Defeating the man in the mirror - Journey to 3,000€/month in 249 days (by February 15 2024)

    Ultimate goals for this year: - Change my mindset - Develop a bias for action - Learn adequate skills Temporary goals: - Start a blog - Profitably get 10,000 visitors per month to one or several websites - Sell at least 100 goods online - Import at least one product - Get at least 50 reviews...
  5. WorthRiches

    After FTX, now BlockFi falls! Who is next?

    After FTX, now BlockFi falls! Who is next?
  6. Luca Jones

    Some Motivation For Your Journey. What is the most motivational picture you seen?

    Everybody needs some motivation from time to time especially when it comes to IM. Some people keep on failing, others are giving up while some others are living their dream. They did not achieve their dream without at least failing a couple of times. What is the most motivation picture you got...
  7. alice252293

    People failed at building Amazon Niche Site - Please share your experience.

    In the last 2 months I make some money with chaturbate ($1500). That's why now I have enough budget to order content, buying backlinks. I wanted to create my own content but It seems my english is not good enough. I already registered domain, hosting an picked the content writer on here. My...
  8. K

    Fail niche

    Is it a good idea to start a account with fail niche?. Or is that a bad niche? Any experience? Or should I be better go another niche like cars or animals?
  9. virtualbyron

    Stop waiting and take action - Fails and risks > Overhyped

    A quick reminder for the people who are stuck in the "analysis phase". Failing - What are the risks? In the worth case, you keep "failing" for one year then take a break? Congrats! you just earned one year of valuable skills and knowledge! What now? You will have to go back working for a...
  10. FailafterFail

    [Help]Fail after Fail.

    Hello BlackHatWorld, Amazon method tried - i invested more than 500$ on 2 products and i haven't even made a sale. I have more than 20 domains different niches most of them expired now - made i think around 500$ in 2 years ( so bad ) . I tried porn methods - saturated (made around 2-3$ per...
  11. PeteAFC

    Anyone elses FollowLiker have problems?

    The 13 windows of FL I'm running on my VPS just disappeared and the software refuses to open. After repair prompts and a success notification I'm met with a 'please reinstall latest version' alert. However I have the latest version. I've written to support but I wanted to know if anyone else is...
  12. K

    SEO Failure - Share your failure and how did you bounce back

    Everyone face failure, no matter whether you're an SEO guru or newbie. How do you cope up with it? Seeing the work and time spent going in vain. it sucks! Sorry for my bad english.
  13. C

    Im lazy and i want sucess online ! Any advices ?

    Hello BHW ! As you read in the title i'm lazy person and all time with phone . I dont want to work on computer . I want to start CPA and youtube journey but i really noobie here and i dont excactly what to do . I don't take action ! And all times with my bed :'( ahahaa im so super lazy ! Can...
  14. snowberry

    This is all ridiculously frustrating >:( I have no money!

    I'd never think trying to make money would be this hard. it feels as if the universe is trying to sabotage me and prevent me from making any money, no matter how 'simple' the method there is ALWAYS a roadblock standing in my way, or requires funds I don't have to start which is a big risk for me...
  15. J

    BHW it's not for everybody....

    Hello guys! I've started reading posts from BHW for 2 years I guess. I've tried lots and lots of methods......guess what....nothing worked! Only Fiverr helped me to make 50-100$ per month but now the orders are rare. I will say that the community it's useless here, why? Because if you ask for a...
  16. M

    Well, Shit. Scrapebox failed on me after a decent scrape of 3.9million URLs...

    So I figured while I flew from Portland to North Carolina, I'd have ScrapeBox going strong, scraping a list of 500k queries to help me find as many WordPress websites in a target niche (Jewelry). I stopped it remotely when I got to the airport from my house (which is why you see 215k previously...
  17. webhostingproviders

    Are we 99.9% ?

    I am writing this post not to bring any one down but honestly I am really thinking why we are prone to fail 99.9%. Like after spending 100hrs a week into business and in return we earn $100/month. Investing $200 into SEO and countless hours of work and make profit of $50. My main concern is...
  18. imguy

    Internet Marketing is Like World of Warcraft - WHY?

    No laughіng, but whеn I thіnk аbоut thе wауs IM rеgіѕters іn mу braіn іt rеаlly dоes trigger a lot оf thе sаmе rіѕk/rеward/sаtіѕfactiоn/fruѕtrаtiоn thаt playіng Wоrld оf Warcraft dоes. You start оut іn bоth аѕ a vеrу lоw-level nоob, whо hаѕ tо...
  19. ilPatrino

    I Failed, But I'm gonna get back up

    Here's a bit of background on myself. I'm in a really tough moment in my life at the moment, I'm turning 23 soon, just finished my degree in IT & working as a software developer full time which unlike most of you might think is not reaping me lots of money & I have to pay my school debt. I need...
  20. J

    private proxies failing scrapebox & bleach tests

    I bought private proxies from a recommended source so i am pretty sure they are ok beause of how highly regarded the servie is & how quik & helpfull support has been. the problem is in scrapebox they pass access, pass time but fail on ip security. now this problem is happening with all proxies...